General Category > General Discussion
Vicious Smear Film Against Chaim!
hmmmm, what and they work together to make this rubbish? thats weird.
Fake Plastic Trees always seemed ok. But the website is absolute nonsense, its cruel how they mocked chaims accent.
How much free time do these people have is what i want to know!! How can they be bothered?!?!?
They say that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
I am happy to know that the message is out there; spreading far and wide.
Only recently have I become aware of any "political satire" or "comedy of insults" about Chaim Ben Pesach up for public viewing.
Idiots are never intelligent enough to bother me, and the best revenge against insults and smear-jobs will come when I see a Kahanist Jewish Israel.
Never sweat the "small stuff" (and it's almost all "small stuff").
The muslim Khahn is suffering this very moment. Why else would someone waste their time like this? Only desperate people behave this way. ;)
The liberal, Fake Plastic Troll has to contend with the future of an Islamic 'Britain'. ;D
The streets of London and indeed all of Europe will soon run red. 8)
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