Author Topic: Religious fanaticism  (Read 16359 times)

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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #50 on: July 14, 2008, 11:58:16 PM »
If you want to compare cultural output and productivity at societal levels, ok we can look at trends, but a so-called "objective" IQ test to quantitate a person's intelligence and then attribute the differences to some mysterious unknown 'genetic component?'   Nonsense. 

The brain is much too complicated an organ, and the CNS a much to complicated organ system, to draw wide ranging conclusions from an 'iq test'

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #51 on: July 15, 2008, 12:02:59 AM »
Now is it in general a valid statement to say that Jews, and in particular Ashkenazi Jews have achieved nobel prizes in far greater than proportional numbers to the size of their population, and in America do they compose a high percentage of the successful student body in elite universities? Certainly.   But consider the enabling surrounding cultural environment.   If the Sefaradim were living in western cultural centers with thriving universities, rather than backwards Islamic caliphates, which they have been in until recently, they could also have achieved this level of greatness.   In Spain prior to 1492, the Sefardic Jewry was heavily involved in scholarly pursuits and were great academics until that culture was destroyed.   And Spain has never been the same!

Also the great merchants of the Dutch trading companies were also composed largely of Sefardic Jews (many were descendants of the expelled Jews from Spain actually).  So it is not just Ashkenazim that have excelled in finance.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2008, 12:08:20 AM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline spiritus_persona

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #52 on: July 15, 2008, 12:52:13 AM »
agnostic, in your post above, you forgot to mention what happened when your fellow agnostics/atheists seized power in Russia, China and numerous Third World countries. You forgot to mention how the Marxists murdered or starved to death tens of millions of men, women and children. You forgot to mention how the "enlightened" agnostics/atheists brutally enslaved all of their subjects.

You also forgot to mention that many of the leading Nazis in Hitler's Germany were agnostics/atheists. These highly enlightened National Socialists also sought to eliminate the "darkness" of the "primitive" Bible.

Just thought that I would add these historical footnotes which never seem to appear when people study religion in universities and colleges.

So now people can't say that atheism/agnosticism are an enlightening force after looking at the Soviets and the Nazis.  Also, atheism/agnosticism is a religion itself which I find to be quite an ironic burn.  In their attempts to render religion obsolete, they have created one themselves.  I'm talking about the radical atheists cause I know there are some atheists on the forum and the atheists on the forum don't try to missionize, at least not to my knowledge.
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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #53 on: July 15, 2008, 01:00:16 AM »
Agnostic, if you think we're a bunch of religious fanatics who are no better than Muslims, then why even bother posting here? 

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #54 on: July 15, 2008, 01:15:24 AM »
Agnostic, if you had just stated that you were an agnostic but shared political views with JTF, then you probably would have received different responses.  You compared this forum to Islam, which obviously is going to get a rise out of people. There are athiests/agnostics, Christians, Hindus and others on the forum and although they have different viewpoints on theology they understand the threat of Islam. 

One key difference between the Jews and Muslims is simple.  Jews do not try to convert anyone and actually discourage people from converting unless they truly feel the need to convert.  You won't find Jews passing laws on non Jews to follow the Torah.

The Christians here condemn the anti-semtism of the past and are for Isarel out of love for the Jewish people and out of moral obligation.  No modern day Christian, especially here would try to force somone to convert.  There are Catholics, Baptists, Evangelicals etc. here so obviously they wouldn't want a theocracy.  The most radical Christianity would never kill anyone or chop someones feet off for being a Jew or a pagan. 

Please read the Koran.  I don't think you have read the Christian Bible and the Koran.  The Koran and the Hadith say Jews and Christians are apes.  The Koran says, "if you come across a black man, his heart will be as cold as a donkey."  There are countless passages about cleansing the Saudi penninsula of Jews and Christians and that you can never be friends with them.  You may see some radical statements here but please see "Undercover Mosque" on Youtube so you can see the whole picture.  No one here will kill you or hurt you, despite how much we disagree with you.  Copts in Egypt and Christians in Indonesia and Sudan are murdered in the hundreds of thousand simply for being!  I just ask of you to look at the evidence and look at the world.  Go to the Vatican and then go to Saudi Arabia and then Israel, then tell me who is trying to make the world worse and better. Which country could you actually be killed by the inhabitants there?  Are rabbis roaming the streets hoping to find gentiles?  Are priests roaming around looking to kill non believers?  Then go to Saudi Arabia and tell them you're an agnostic American or Westerner.

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #55 on: July 15, 2008, 02:35:50 AM »
I think people here really need to calm down, and not jump to conclusions whenever someone questions certain beliefs, however dear those beliefs may be. Frankly, I don't see any flaw in agnostic's argument at all, but I do reckon people are overreacting, terribly so. :-[

A proper response to Agnostic's post would go something like this:

Dear Agnostic, very good questions. To say that the bible/torah doesn't encourage violence would be a politically correct statement, though not a factually correct one. So let's suppose for a minute that they do encourage this sort of behavior. In what way is it then different from Islam, which also believes in the same thing?

The difference is, Christians/Jews have learned their lessons from history (dark ages etc.) that superstition doesn't pay, it doesn't help toward progress. So most of them have abandoned the old ways of life, which revolve around attacking other religions, and all the rest of that bigoted outlook. Hence, the C/Jews of today are modern and progressive, unlike their Semitic cousins who, to this day, haven't adapted to the changing world. :-[ This, I believe, is the major difference, the willingness to change and evolve, in tune with the circumstances.

But yes, there are fanatics in these religions too. This can NEVER be denied. It would be foolish to assume that fanaticism is an exclusive property of the Islamic religion. No, Sir, Christian fanaticism is alive and well, but luckily, these fanatics are few and far between, and are usually shunned by the majority of Christians. So it's my firm belief that fanaticism in these religions will die a natural death, sooner or later, because like I said earlier, people are willing to reform themselves and their religions. So it's nothing to worry about. But you're right about the fact that fanaticism is present in C/J as well, and it's not restricted to Islam. The difference, however, is in degree, and I hope you see why it's very important to consider that above the rest.

This concludes my response to Agnostic.

As to other people who argue that atheist communism has destroyed nations/cultures, well, two wrongs don't make a right. Besides, extreme and militant forms of atheism are simply a reaction to the fanatical grip that the Church had exercised over the government, masses, and their ways of life. ;) Again, the blame falls on religious people, it's their bigotry that pushed more and more people into militant atheism, communism, and such ideologies.

Does all this mean we have to ignore the threat of Islam? Obviously not. The two are not related in any way. Just because we acknowledge the atrocities committed by C/Js in the past, it doesn't mean we must turn a blind eye to the present crisis, to Islamic terrorism, in particular.

As one can see, it's possible to fight Islam, without losing one's liberal values, without becoming a religious bigot oneself. One doesn't have to believe in the foolish, conservative agenda to see the dangers of Islam or communism. As a liberal, it's quite easy to perceive the danger Islam/Communism might pose to liberal values. :)

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #56 on: July 15, 2008, 03:12:12 AM »
I think people here really need to calm down, and not jump to conclusions whenever someone questions certain beliefs, however dear those beliefs may be. Frankly, I don't see any flaw in agnostic's argument at all, but I do reckon people are overreacting, terribly so. :-[ 

I did not perceive agnostic as "attacking my beliefs."  Precisely the opposite.  I perceived him as attacking a straw man and making ignorant statements, and so I reacted as such.   You may not see any flaws in agnostic's logic, but certainly many of us do, and pointed them out.

Dear Agnostic, very good questions. To say that the bible/torah doesn't encourage violence would be a politically correct statement, though not a factually correct one. So let's suppose for a minute that they do encourage this sort of behavior. In what way is it then different from Islam, which also believes in the same thing?

The difference is, Christians/Jews have learned their lessons from history

If you think this is the difference between Jews and Muslims, you are basically saying that there is no difference in the religion, but the Jews decided to "learn from the past" and behave differently.   BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!

There is a huge difference between the religions.   I won't speak about Christianity because I'm a Jew and I know a thing or two about Islam as well.  That you equate the two, shows you are ignorant of both!

And you seem to imply here that because there are aspects of the Torah that are violent (I'm going to assume you imply this, you may not know a thing about Torah or you may not know what you are saying, but I'll give you a benefit of the doubt here), then that is by default 'bad.'   This couldn't be more of a perverted logic or distorted morality.  Violence is not inherently evil or wrong.  It can and should be used in self-defense, and Kahanist, Torah -true principles mandates this!   

But yes, there are fanatics in these religions too. This can NEVER be denied. It would be foolish to assume that fanaticism is an exclusive property of the Islamic religion.

agnostic was not talking about fanatics within the religions, perhaps 'acting out' against the doctrine.   He was talking about the religions themselves and what they mandate.  His argument was about the content of the religions, not the behaviors of its practictioners divorced from the precepts of the religion itself.

Unfortunately for you and for all non-Muslims, it does not require a "fanatic" to do evil under the guise of Islam.  Because it is Islam itself that calls for evil actions - not just 'misbehaving fanatics.'  All it requires is your everyday believing Muslim who follows the normative understanding of Islam.   It is not fanaticism when a Muslim blows himself up and kills infidels to go to "virgins."  It is ISLAM.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #57 on: July 15, 2008, 04:51:21 AM »
I've been coming to this forum for months and reading your discussions, and watching your shows online. I agree with you people completely on Islam, but have some questions. I find that some of you are so religiously fanatic you're not so different than the Muslims who want to exterminate and enslave humanity. When Christianity became dominant in Europe the dark ages occurred. They suppressed science and learning and tortured philosophers and scientists who opposed them. Considering the history of the Christian Wars; the torture and lunacy of parts of the Inquisition; the suppression of learning and science caused by the Christian Dark Ages; and the division of nations into opposing Christian camps in even supposedly secular countries such as North America; then no other conclusion is possible except to say that the introduction of Christianity has to count as the single greatest ideological catastrophe to ever strike Europe. It seems ironic that you people would hate Islam given the fact that you think porn stars should be killed, gays should be killed, atheists and agnostics like myself should be killed, people should forcefully close their business on the Sabbath, women should be stoned to death for adultery, and Israel and America should have the Jewish and Christian versions of sharia law respectively. If you people were born into Islam you would be like them so stop hating them.

you're incorrect..we have no desire to enslave or convert anyone to anything unlike what the Muslamics want to you are way off on that...

I believe you need more time to study all religions before you begin to assume things...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #58 on: July 15, 2008, 04:58:15 AM »
Atheists/agnostics are not responsible for scientific progress. In atheist nations such as the Soviet Union and Communist China, science lags far behind. Although some scientists foolishly choose to become atheists, their successes are only because they were educated in societies that had a religious foundation.

Not to mention the incredible Jewish contribution to science. Why are Jews so smart? Are they genetically superior? Of course not! It's because of the Torah way of life that instills in them the thirst for knowledge.

The Ashkenazi obviously are vastly genetically superior to non-Ashkenazi. A study conducted at the U linking Jewish intelligence and genetic mutation with natural selection conducted a study and according to it, Ashkenazi Jews of European descent have high intelligence as well as genetic mutations such as sickle cell anemia due to selective mating and as non-menial work over a number of generations. The Ashkenazi were restricted to entrepreneurial and managerial roles as financiers, estate managers, tax farmers and merchants. As a result, the Ashkenazi Jews developed higher cognitive and verbal skills compared with other groups of the time, the researchers reported. That's why their IQ is much higher than their Sefardic counterparts.


If it talks like a nazi, writes like a nazi, thinks like a nazi, and smells like a nazi, It's definately a Nazi...

This is a false study...and if a study ever came wtih this conclusion with documentation of "good science", I could find plenty of ways to prove it wrong.

ban this is so obvious that he's a racist disgusting pig!!!!

Shame on you!!!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #59 on: July 15, 2008, 05:51:55 AM »
Atheists/agnostics are not responsible for scientific progress. In atheist nations such as the Soviet Union and Communist China, science lags far behind. Although some scientists foolishly choose to become atheists, their successes are only because they were educated in societies that had a religious foundation.

Not to mention the incredible Jewish contribution to science. Why are Jews so smart? Are they genetically superior? Of course not! It's because of the Torah way of life that instills in them the thirst for knowledge.

The Ashkenazi obviously are vastly genetically superior to non-Ashkenazi. A study conducted at the U linking Jewish intelligence and genetic mutation with natural selection conducted a study and according to it, Ashkenazi Jews of European descent have high intelligence as well as genetic mutations such as sickle cell anemia due to selective mating and as non-menial work over a number of generations. The Ashkenazi were restricted to entrepreneurial and managerial roles as financiers, estate managers, tax farmers and merchants. As a result, the Ashkenazi Jews developed higher cognitive and verbal skills compared with other groups of the time, the researchers reported. That's why their IQ is much higher than their Sefardic counterparts.

The dark-skinned Sephardi Jews who come from countries like Iran, Iraq, Syria, and some of the Muslim former Soviet republics are generally more successful and more prosperous than most Ashkenazi Jews. When given a chance to succeed, compete and get a modern education, Sephardi Jews are just as brilliant as their Ashkenazi brothers and sisters. The problem was that when they were trapped in Arab and Islamic countries, the Sephardi Jews were unable to excel because they were repressed by force along with all other non-Muslim "infidels".

Your ugly racist genetic theories are proven false by the amazing success stories of dark-skinned Jews from these Third World countries who in one generation become multimillionaires. You could see this with the Persian Jews of Great Neck, Sands Point, Kings Point and Beverly Hills, with the Syrian Jews of Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn, and with the Bukharian Jews of Forest Hills Gardens and Jamaica Estates.

Offline Jasmina

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #60 on: July 15, 2008, 07:54:03 AM »
The Ashkenazi obviously are vastly genetically superior to non-Ashkenazi. A study conducted at the U linking Jewish intelligence and genetic mutation with natural selection conducted a study and according to it, Ashkenazi Jews of European descent have high intelligence as well as genetic mutations such as sickle cell anemia due to selective mating and as non-menial work over a number of generations. 

The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #61 on: July 15, 2008, 10:56:11 AM »


If it talks like a nazi, writes like a nazi, thinks like a nazi, and smells like a nazi, It's definately a Nazi...

This is a false study...and if a study ever came wtih this conclusion with documentation of "good science", I could find plenty of ways to prove it wrong.

ban this is so obvious that he's a racist disgusting pig!!!!

Shame on you!!!

I'm racist but not a Nazi. The real Nazis are you who want to exterminate gays, porn stars and atheists. There is no need to ban me I will leave. I'm afraid you will find my home and burn me at the stake.

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #62 on: July 15, 2008, 12:01:51 PM »
You are a sick neo nazi pig

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #63 on: July 15, 2008, 02:58:15 PM »


If it talks like a nazi, writes like a nazi, thinks like a nazi, and smells like a nazi, It's definately a Nazi...

This is a false study...and if a study ever came wtih this conclusion with documentation of "good science", I could find plenty of ways to prove it wrong.

ban this is so obvious that he's a racist disgusting pig!!!!

Shame on you!!!

I'm racist but not a Nazi. The real Nazis are you who want to exterminate gays, porn stars and atheists. There is no need to ban me I will leave. I'm afraid you will find my home and burn me at the stake.

 :D  run for the hills, for the hills...we will get our pitch forks and find you.... :::D
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #64 on: July 15, 2008, 03:47:33 PM »
I have always been interested in the tar and feather treatment. Supposed to be really good for hiding pimples...
Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #65 on: July 15, 2008, 04:18:24 PM »
This piece of fauna should have been banned after post one.

Offline Menachem

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #66 on: July 15, 2008, 11:53:01 PM »
This piece of fauna should have been banned after post one.


I think his intentions became clear when he brought up the alleged IQ differences between Sephardim and Ashkenazim. However, even if he was sincere (which is doubtful), he is clearly set in his ways and nothing we say or do will convince him otherwise. Let him continue to pretend he has all the answers; ultimately, he just doesn't matter.

Aside from disruption, I cannot imagine what can possibly be achieved by allowing such filth to regurgitate their nonsense here.

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2008, 12:51:22 AM »
I have banned agnostic for sending sick gay porn to members in PMs.
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Offline JTFFan

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2008, 01:11:18 AM »


If it talks like a nazi, writes like a nazi, thinks like a nazi, and smells like a nazi, It's definately a Nazi...

This is a false study...and if a study ever came wtih this conclusion with documentation of "good science", I could find plenty of ways to prove it wrong.

ban this is so obvious that he's a racist disgusting pig!!!!

Shame on you!!!

I'm racist but not a Nazi. The real Nazis are you who want to exterminate gays, porn stars and atheists. There is no need to ban me I will leave. I'm afraid you will find my home and burn me at the stake.

You're a Tina Greco Nazi wannabe.   >:( You follow Racial Third Reich Eugenic Science, which has been debunked thousands of times. Blacks could be brilliant, but their culture is evil and has suppressed them for hundreds if not thousands of years in Africa. An evil primitive culture could be going back thousands of years. As a result, they were lazy and never wanted to build great civilizations.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #69 on: July 16, 2008, 01:13:38 AM »
I have banned agnostic for sending sick gay porn to members in PMs.

wow.   Interesting that these nazis are always into gay porn

I sensed he was a troll from the start, but I guess it's good we annihilated all his worthless arguments anyway.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #70 on: July 16, 2008, 01:21:07 AM »
wow.   Interesting that these nazis are always into gay porn

I sensed he was a troll from the start, but I guess it's good we annihilated all his worthless arguments anyway.

Kahane-Was-Right, you have an excellent point. You guys gave some really amazing responses and tore his arguments apart. They always resort to attacks when they don't have a leg to stand on.

Those who can't debate, defame.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #71 on: July 16, 2008, 11:00:05 AM »
I have banned agnostic for sending sick gay porn to members in PMs.

it was Roni...or one of those usual losers obsessed with JTF.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #72 on: July 16, 2008, 11:33:09 AM »
I was one of the ones that received the porn.

Agnostic doesn't realize that gay porn has no effect on me.

I like girls only.

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #73 on: July 16, 2008, 12:58:18 PM »
I was one of the ones that received the porn.

Agnostic doesn't realize that gay porn has no effect on me.

I like girls only.

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Re: Religious fanaticism
« Reply #74 on: July 16, 2008, 01:00:47 PM »
He was an Ustash