This is the same old propaganda cr*p from the UN Globalists who for some reason think it their authority to monitor and control the behavior of everyone on the planet.
Just remember this:
The "do gooders" who like to mind everyone's business but their own always say:
Smoking tobacco is the greatest health risk there is, so everyone should quit smoking regardless of the fact that someone who quits smoking almost always gains about 15 to 20 lbs in weight.
This weight gain is insignificant compared to the health gains from stopping smoking!
Then, in the same breath, these "peanut-gallery tyrants" say:
Anyone having ten or more lbs. of excess weight, is at extremely high risk of death from cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, and stroke!
Trust MassuhD when he tells you:
If a Globalist UN NGU is butting into your personal business regarding ANYTHING, then rest assured they intend to acquire the power to FORCE you and everyone else to do exactly what they say you should; under penalty of legal prosecution by their illegal and fraudulent soon-to-be-established ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Do a little digging, and you'll find out that their definition of "Obese" is "Anyone, particularly WHITE PEOPLE OF THE U.S.A. who eat well and feel well; who perpetrate SOCIAL INJUSTICE against all PEOPLE OF COLOUR THROUGHOUT THE GLOBAL COMMUNITY;forcing them to be "NUTRITIONALLY CHALLENGED"!
The Spear-Chuckers, Dog Eaters, and Man-Boy Love Club Pedophiles who run the UN will be soon dictating to you exactly how many grains of salmonella rice you will be allowed to eat, in order that obesity be abolished and global justice and social equality be established!
Trust me...I know exactly what the hell I'm talking about.
Smoking, eating, weight gain and weight loss, is NONE OF GOVERNMENT'S GDB!@