The alien invasion currently destroying North America likely would not be possible, at least in current form, without the collaboration and encouragement of the Crap-Alcoholic Church. They preach for illegal "rights" in their sermons, their bishops and cardinals demand that our government entities accomodate the invaders, they harbor illegals in violation of federal law, and they tell illegals how to get benefits and mooch off Uncle Sucker (i.e. every one of us).
Every single day, the RCC teaches that it is exempt from and above all secular and national law (much like another gigantic global "faith"). For that reason, they tell illegals to break the law and come on over and refuse to turn over their boy-raping priests to the authorities. You know, since they don't think raping kids rises to the level of a jailable offense, they don't need to cooperate with the system.

When you think about it the Crappy-Alcoholic church has been in favor of invasions all throughout history.
--In the 1000s, the pope ordered the world's first Holocaust, popularly known as the Crusades. The Catholic Nazi armies of the cessholes of medieval Europe invaded eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Western Asia in the name of establishing a Taliban-style Catholic sharia over Israel. Millions upon millions of Jews were slaughtered in the name of creating a pure Catholic theocracy.
--All through the Dark and Middle Ages, tyrannical popes and their flunky kings engaged in all sorts of pogroms against "witches" and religious dissidents (i.e. early Protestant sects, Gnostics, etc.) throughout Europe. Some estimates put the figure murdered over these hundreds of years at 50 million.
--In the 1400s, the RCC joined forces with the savage Spaniards to invade Jewish neighborhoods in the Iberian peninsula and skin alive, burn at the stake, beat, drown, rape, and decapitate hundreds of thousands of Sephardim.
--In the 1930s, Pope Pius XII gave the Fuhrer his highest possible blessing and the license to go forward with his Final Solution. He authorized all of the Catholic scum of Europe to go forth and help Hitler in his disgusting racial fantasy.
--In the 1940s, the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe waged a merciless jihad against its Orthodox neighbors the Serbs. The Ustasha regime in Croatia murdered some 700,000 Serbs in ghastly concentration camps in the name of Rome and the pontiff. At least 200,000 Yugoslav Jews were also slaughtered by means such as being dropped in vats of boiling oil.
So why should we be surprised that the RCC is backing and organizing a trans-national assault today?
PS: Does anyone honestly believe the pope and Cardinal Roger Mahony would favor the illegals if Mexico were predominantly Baptist, Nazarene, or Jewish?