first, I am not sure..
If you click on Quote on that page, you see the code he used though, if that helps!
if you are watching a video then you can't really browse around the forum reading things anyway. So what's the problem with opening up a new window for it. A video is a slow audio visual thing that demands full attention, or rather, the focus of your eyes and ears, anyway.
It's not like a new windows is an inconvenience for a video. Unless you're a "luddite" with new windows/rabs. But not a luddite for the content of forum posts.
if browsing around many sites you may well want many windows open. it really isn't a problem.. Windows is called windows for a reason. I have 15 browser windows open, and a command prompt and other things. I don't bother closing them until i'm finished with the comp, or if things are bad on RAM. Then I close them all at the same time, all browser windows e.t.c. Win XP groups them. You can't be using a GUI if you're uncomfortable with windows.. or find them somewhat inconvenient. They are completely convenient.