General Category > Ask JTF

Ask JTF July 27, 2008

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Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and answering my questions.

When a Kahanist government takes power in Israel and expels the Arab Muslims it has been suggested that this would result in a massive manual labor shortage because so many Israelis now use cheap Arab Muslim labor.

HaRav, zecher tzadik livracha, Meir Kahane suggested in one of his speeches, that I saw online, that to deal with this problem he would require all Israeli men in their third year of military service to learn a trade in manual labor and perform that job for at least one year.

Do you support such an idea?

Kahane-Was-Right BT:
Dear Chaim,

What is your message to Shas voters, and as the next election approaches, would you consider making an entire video devoted to this subject?  

If that ape-like muslim savage Barak Osama becomes president, do you think he will bring on the end of days?

Shalom Chaim,

Why do blacks never judge other blacks by their character, beliefs, behavior and what they stand for? Everytime, I put on the radio or news they are talking about Obama and the fact that he's black and our first black president, as well as the race factor, and why blacks are voting for him because "he's black and we need black change." Slavery happened a long time ago, and was the best thing for blacks in this country. Can't they just learn to be righteous Americans instead of black racists? Our mission isn't over yet, we need a righteous Kahanist Gentile president to set this nation straight like it once was. The Founding Fathers were righteous and like Kahanists in a way. One day we will have JTF take over the Republican party, G-d willing.

G-d Bless you,



What are your personal memories of the Yom Kippur War?
Please analyze how the Israeli military fought the war.

May G-D bless you


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