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Great picture of Barack Hussein

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Yochanan Zev:

--- Quote ---There DO happen to be black people with features that are more like those of White people. And! They do NOT have to have White blood in them to make them this way. In case you have forgotten, Africa is a vast continent...and there are all KINDS of different African Tribes. Although in most cases their skin is black...their features (as well as their height) is different from area to area.

Barack Obama is bad because he is a liberal. He is bad because he actually DOES have a Muslim agenda. He is NOT bad because he is black.
--- End quote ---

For some reason there are members here who it seems they have to make grand sweeping appeals to these StørmFrønt types in order to garner support for Israel's defense.  It flies in the face of everything that the Jewish people should stand for.

I'm not hot on Hillary either.  Her flip-flopping on her position on the Iraq war is very dishonest.   The jewish people have been in exile for almost 2000 years.  Israel is part of G-d's covenenant with His chosen to protect his mitzvot. I believe we must do so responsibly with respect and integrity and not with haste, vengance, and bigotry.

Politically I am a centrist, leaning slightly left of center.  I don't believe all liberals are bad, just like I don't believe all conservatives are bad.  If we could work together for the greater cause instead of falling into all of this race crap we might fulfill the promise of the Jewish nation.

I'm not sure what you are talking about in your comments about "African features".  What does any of that have to do with Islamic terrorism or Israel's self-defense?

And yes, it may be because I am black that I'm willing to listen to what Obama has to say first before I take the word of some intolerant and bigoted dispensationalist who cares nothing about the consequence of their own actions, only to realize an agenda that might do more to hurt the Jewish people than to help them.  Remember, many "conservatives" only support Israel only to be rid of the Jewish people; so much that they leave the US all together, or that somehow Jesus Christ will return and convert us all to Christianity.

Obama says he is not a Muslim.  Should I take his word for it, or some bible-thumping white supremist zealot who's intent on bringing about the rapture?


--- Quote ---I'm not sure what you are talking about in your comments about "African features".  What does any of that have to do with Islamic terrorism or Israel's self-defense?
--- End quote ---

I was referring to earlier statements in this thread where people were bashing blacks etc. And Obama in particular saying that he is trying to become more "white".

So I said that in Africa there is a whole range of facial features. There are blacks there who look very white in terms of facial features, whereas there are also those who do not look white whatsoever.

I agree that there are many Whites who probably support JTF just because they want to see Jews leave America....and that is their sole reason for supporting it. I could probably name a few here on this board that I suspect are like that.

But I disagree with your assessment of Christians vs. Obama. Personally, I would support a Bible thumping Christian who believes in a rapture and that Jesus is going to return over a Muslim any day.  Obama says that he is now a Christian...but I would say let him prove it before he runs for the Presidency. He is running as a Democrat and therefore he is for Abortion (Or he is for a "Woman's Right to Choose" which = "For Abortion.")

There are more things about him that I would suspect makes him lean toward being a Muslim sympathizer at the very least.

But again...I dislike him for those reasons...not because of the color of his skin.

Yochanan Zev:
You know Guliani is also Pro-Choice, a right-leaning Centrist/Conservative and on the Republican Ticket?  He also has had three wives, with his current wife having been married three times as well.  He's also a drag queen.  Yet I don't see the same kind of attacks against him here than I do Obama.

I also don't see how this idea of "mixed people" is such and abomination.  I'd bet that the majority of Americans are not pure races and are mixed people.  Frankly, what kind of good cause are Jews supposed to have if we have to rely on people who believe in these things to support us?

Me personally, I really don't a have any strong convictions on abortion one way or the other.  Although I see these people screaming and jumping up and down about abortion, it's not the most important thing to me.  It seems somehow that many people believe ( and want us to believe ) that this is the most important issue we are facing now.    I believe that if the life or health of the mother carrying the child is in danger, she should be allowed to have an abortion.

I agree that if the life of the mother is in danger then an abortion is ok. But many people say "The health" of the woman and really mean..."oh...she might be inconvenienced of she has a baby. Better to get rid of it." I think abortion for any reason other than the mother's life being in danger is the same as murder.

As for Rudy Guiliani...I personally do not support him either.  (And I did not know he was a drag queen ever. Do you have info to back that assertion up?) Although! I know he has been somewhat pro-Israel in the past from what I understand. I don't know since I've not lived in New York City ever.

You are right that there have not been the same kind of attacks. But, I would also bet that you have not seen any endorsements either.

Yochanan Zev:
I'm exaggerating a bit.  :D  But he was on TV dressed in drag at least once... maybe twice.  I'll see if I can find a video or photo.


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