Author Topic: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!  (Read 3421 times)

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Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« on: August 22, 2006, 09:16:47 PM »
Posted by fjack on the original jtf forum
Re: Negro and other filth NY crime thread!
« Reply #31 on Aug 20, 2006, 2:57pm »
 Dear cjd,
If you are old enough to remember the 'parkee' you should also remember that he had a room where they would keep all kinds of balls, scuffle board equipment and even horse shoes. I also remember when the subway platforms had candy machines and benches to sit. The benches are gone as well as the toilets in the subway. Once they became populated by black muggers and perverts that was when they started to close them down.

       I saw your post on the old site and thought it would be the good start of a  thread here on the new forum.
Yes I remember the "parkee" well. The park where I lived in Flushing Queens overlooked the Queens Botanical Gardens in was a wonderfull little park very well kept with the same older gentelman running things for years. It started to go down the tubes in the late 70s early eighties. The vandals destroyed the park house and most of the fixtures in the park. I believe that the park is very sparse now or might even be gone. The subways are a shadow of their glory days. I remember the vending machines, bathrooms and even the benches. Thanks to the petty thieves,perverts and the filthy homeless the machines, bathrooms  and benches are gone. I am sure the forum members will have a hundred memories of all the nice things our city had lost to the planet of the apes and all the other nasty animals that have invaded our once great society.
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Re: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 05:09:15 PM »
Dear cjd,
Those were great years. As I look back my heart is broken. I remember Flushing well. When I was a little boy my mom and I would ride the 7 train to Main Street and go to Gertz Department store and the Woolworths on the corner at Main Street. My wife and I had a business in the Flusing Flee Market in the Pathmark Shopping Center. We were very sucessful till the 'population' changed. We were unwelcomed after 18 years in business. Flushing had the wonderful theathre there on Norhtern Blvd, now it is all gone. Go to Main Street now and see what has happened. The only signs that are in English are for MacDonalds and Burger King. If you go to the library the events that are published on the wall are all 'asian'. Half the library is full of oriental DvDs, CDs, and books in their language. Who pays for this. This is an AMERICAN library not a foreign library. I happened to go to the Time Warner Cable web site because a friend of mine told me that his kid wanted to get a job as a service rep at night. Time Warner will only hire 'bilingual' people. What that really means is 'not white'. My own childhood are in Jackson Heights is unreconizable. The stench of curry, things that refuse to assimaliate, white haters have taken over. Go up to Junction Blvd and Roosevelt Ave you will see hispanics breaking all kinds of laws, whore houses, places that you can get forged documents and the drugs. There was a very intersesting article in the Queens Tribune about two weeks ago (check it out on line) where they mentioned that these hispanic food vendors are roasting WHOLE PIGS right on the sidewalks. If you call this diversity, I want no part of it. Heaven help us, because our politicians won't.

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Re: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2006, 05:59:54 PM »
Dear cjd,
Those were great years. As I look back my heart is broken. I remember Flushing well. When I was a little boy my mom and I would ride the 7 train to Main Street and go to Gertz Department store and the Woolworths on the corner at Main Street. My wife and I had a business in the Flusing Flee Market in the Pathmark Shopping Center. We were very sucessful till the 'population' changed. We were unwelcomed after 18 years in business. Flushing had the wonderful theathre there on Norhtern Blvd, now it is all gone. Go to Main Street now and see what has happened. The only signs that are in English are for MacDonalds and Burger King. If you go to the library the events that are published on the wall are all 'asian'. Half the library is full of oriental DvDs, CDs, and books in their language. Who pays for this. This is an AMERICAN library not a foreign library. I happened to go to the Time Warner Cable web site because a friend of mine told me that his kid wanted to get a job as a service rep at night. Time Warner will only hire 'bilingual' people. What that really means is 'not white'. My own childhood are in Jackson Heights is unreconizable. The stench of curry, things that refuse to assimaliate, white haters have taken over. Go up to Junction Blvd and Roosevelt Ave you will see hispanics breaking all kinds of laws, whore houses, places that you can get forged documents and the drugs. There was a very intersesting article in the Queens Tribune about two weeks ago (check it out on line) where they mentioned that these hispanic food vendors are roasting WHOLE PIGS right on the sidewalks. If you call this diversity, I want no part of it. Heaven help us, because our politicians won't.

Our memories of Flushing are much the same it was quite the place. Two movie houses the RKO and the Prospect "Jan's" icecream parlor and some of the best stores large and small that you could ask for. All gone now. Over where I use to live on Queens Borough Hill it was like living in the country. I drive through there now and then and the change is mindbogling. High rise buildings very little english signs on the stores the neighborhood looks utilitarian no charm left in it at all. The Orientals are hard working people but they are all business and it seemed to me that they tolerate the few white residents that remained in the neighborhood. That was 20 years ago I can only imagine it now. I cant believe how crowded it has become Flushing has become theirs now much the same as Harlem belongs to the blacks. The only difference is that Flushing is a very safe place to live where realestate values sore  and Harlem would be nothing if it wasn't part of Manhattan Island.

Jackson Heights on the otherhand has taken a nosesdive into the third world. There to was a viberent comunity however the decline started earlier for J. Hts. I find Roosevelt Avenue downright intimidating. For all practical perposes its South America. Corona is a place also that has seen a better day . I was there the other day and it was sad to see the last of the old Italians clinging on to the little they have left of the once fine old neighborhood. Its a neighborhood thats almost too far gone for a comback.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 06:23:34 PM by cjd »
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Re: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2007, 08:30:40 PM »
Those were great years. As I look back my heart is broken. I remember Flushing well. When I was a little boy my mom and I would ride the 7 train to Main Street and go to Gertz Department store and the Woolworths on the corner at Main Street.
I REMEMBER GERTZ Iused to go with my mother when did it close down? They used to have a record store on main and Northern Blvd. I remember i went to hear Chaim speak near main street in a hotel it was in an oriental area.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline fjack

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Re: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 07:52:53 AM »
There really is no more Flushing, it is completely asian now. The only two non asian stores are MacDonalds and Burger King. The record store on the corner is gone, everything you remember is gone. If you lived their there is no way you could get a job. There is not one asian store that would hire you. By the affrimative action laws, if you have a business you are FORCED  to hire minorities, but they can spite in your face if you ask them for a job. Even the churches have been taken over by the asians. When you go to Flushing now, you will not see one sign in English on any store window. There are hundreds of Chinese and Korean restruants that will not hire you under any circumstances. Most of these stores and restruants are used to bring in more asians, these are fronts so the family reunification can take place. What happens is this, one asian is sent to this country with some money so he can rent a store front, after that he files a petition with immigration for his extended family members to join him. Here comes the flood of relatives. You must also remember if the immigrant is over the age of 65 they collect social security even if they have not put a dime in the system, this also includes food stamps, medicare and a whole assortment of other goodies. They buy houses, and then fill it with other immigrants who they charge a 150 dollars a week for a bed. I read a story that there were 62 chinese leaving in a two bedroom house on Prince Street, Flushing. There is usually 1 bathroom, so they defecate and urinate in the driveways, etc. This also happens in Jackson Heights, Corona and Elmhurst. The changed the name of Newtown High School to Newcomer High School where they don't learn anything but they do have one cultural event after another. They have Columbian day, hatian day, korean day, chinese day, kenya day however no white eurpoean day, or American day. Queens is lost, we have been sold right down the river by the kennedy brothers and their liberal cronies. The only hope is for the immigration reform act of 1965 and the civil rights act of 1964 should be repealed and 'birth citizenship' for a child of anyone that is not a citizen should also be appealed. All funds that are transferred out of this country should be taxed at 99 percent, no food stamps, welfare, SSI, education, medical care, reduced transit fares and the rest of the goodies should also be done away with.

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Re: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 08:41:15 AM »
What you say fjack is all very true. I use to live in Flushing about 20 years ago. My family originated in Corona which 40 years ago was a very nice place. Corona was the first to go followed by Flushing. When I was growing up the part of Flushing I grew up in was very nice large one family homes dominated the neighborhood. You would never know that by seeing Flushing now as it is now. Flushing while not as crime ridden as Corona is still not a comfortable place for white folks to live any longer. I drove down College Point Blvd. the other day and was hard pressed to see a sign written in English. Roosevelt Ave heading west from Main Street gets progressively worse going west until it almost seems like its South America. I don't honestly understand how white people live there however even where I live now  is starting to get the same way. I don't think their is much hope for any suburb of New York City. I have a great background picture  on the desk top of my computer of the end Main Street and Northern Blvd. in about 1900s showing the spot where the RKO Keith's Building is now. You could never believe how nice it looked it was a different world.
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Offline mord

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Re: Our quality of life destroyed by the savage beasts!!
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2007, 10:04:33 PM »
What you say fjack is all very true. I use to live in Flushing about 20 years ago. My family originated in Corona which 40 years ago was a very nice place. Corona was the first to go followed by Flushing. When I was growing up the part of Flushing I grew up in was very nice large one family homes dominated the neighborhood. You would never know that by seeing Flushing now as it is now. Flushing while not as crime ridden as Corona is still not a comfortable place for white folks to live any longer. I drove down College Point Blvd. the other day and was hard pressed to see a sign written in English. Roosevelt Ave heading west from Main Street gets progressively worse going west until it almost seems like its South America. I don't honestly understand how white people live there however even where I live now  is starting to get the same way. I don't think their is much hope for any suburb of New York City. I have a great background picture  on the desk top of my computer of the end Main Street and Northern Blvd. in about 1900s showing the spot where the RKO Keith's Building is now. You could never believe how nice it looked it was a different world.
Speaking of college point blvd i knew a girl who lived in college point all the way in near the park  used to be a good neighberhood now it's crummy also.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03