Author Topic: Help Young Couple To Get Married...  (Read 2897 times)

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Offline david_and_rachel

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Help Young Couple To Get Married...
« on: February 20, 2007, 06:29:26 PM »
I am David from Jerusalem, Israel. I am 21 years old and I am asking for your help.
First, this email is real and true with every word it says. I need your help for real, because the story is like this:
Me and my girlfriend are both religious and love each other and would like to get married in the summer, and the problem is that we don't have enough money for the wedding and for rent a little apartment and the other stuff involved with this. Our parents can't help us because they don't have enough to help us. We also asked the help from our closest friends and they help us with what they could, which is not enough, but still it's something and god bless them for their kindness.
I want to ask you to help much as you can..Every Dollar will help us to start build our life together. Even 1 Dollar will help. I do believe that you have a good heart and hopefully you will help us to do this Mitzvah of the Marriage and build a Kosher house in Israel.
Again, Every Dollar will help us. Give us as much as your heart thinks.
May God will bless you for your good heart and will give you success in everything you will do.
Birkat Ha'Shem will be with you all your life.
If you decided to help us, just click on the link below to transfer the money to us safely and securely with PAYPAL....[email protected]&item_name=David%20and%20Rachel's%20Mitzvah%20Marriage%20Donation&item_number=Donate%20as%20much%20as%20you%20think%20will%20help%20us..God%20bless%20you..Amen.&no_shipping=2&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD&lc=IL&bn=PP-DonationsBF&charset=UTF-8

Thank you very much for reading this, and have a nice day.

Offline Trumpeldor

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Re: Help Young Couple To Get Married...
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2007, 09:16:15 PM »
I am David from Jerusalem, Israel. I am 21 years old and I am asking for your help.
First, this email is real and true with every word it says. I need your help for real, because the story is like this:
Me and my girlfriend are both religious and love each other and would like to get married in the summer, and the problem is that we don't have enough money for the wedding and for rent a little apartment and the other stuff involved with this. Our parents can't help us because they don't have enough to help us. We also asked the help from our closest friends and they help us with what they could, which is not enough, but still it's something and G-d bless them for their kindness.
I want to ask you to help much as you can..Every Dollar will help us to start build our life together. Even 1 Dollar will help. I do believe that you have a good heart and hopefully you will help us to do this Mitzvah of the Marriage and build a Kosher house in Israel.
Again, Every Dollar will help us. Give us as much as your heart thinks.
May G-d will bless you for your good heart and will give you success in everything you will do.
Birkat Ha'Shem will be with you all your life.
If you decided to help us, just click on the link below to transfer the money to us safely and securely with PAYPAL....[email protected]&item_name=David%20and%20Rachel's%20Mitzvah%20Marriage%20Donation&item_number=Donate%20as%20much%20as%20you%20think%20will%20help%20us..G-d%20bless%20you..Amen.&no_shipping=2&no_note=1&tax=0&currency_code=USD&lc=IL&bn=PP-DonationsBF&charset=UTF-8

Thank you very much for reading this, and have a nice day.

I would advise the people reading this to use discretion.

To the poster, I would recommend contacting the board administrator before soliciting funds. If you live in Judea and Samaria, JTF may be able to help you but this cannot be done anonymously in such a manner.

Mazel Tov on your wedding