I dissagree. I think that former-Muslims who convert and DENOUNCE Islam are some of the greatest human beings.
Lets not follow the path of Hitler here.
Brian, ex muslims are extremely rare...I know exactly what Islam is about and being the realist I am...I hope the Muslims are eliminated from this earth. Their rage will not allow them to become civilized or to give up on that piece of filth called a Koran. Mohamed was not only sick in the head...his mind got infested by dybbuks. The Koran is filled with idea's and orders from Dybbuks. If hating Muslims is being racist, then I am a racist and my racism is justified.
do you think that any civilized muslims have ever existed in history?
Can you specify some example of civilized Muslims ? What is a civilized Muslim? My logic tells me that if Muslims were civilized ....we would not be deaing with terrorists today.
Finding examples of civilized muslims would be like looking for a needle in the haystack. The two words don't belong in the same sentence.
Exactly !!!

i provided an example...
Providing an example has nothing to do with today and the Islamic Jihad the World faces. It would be like you excusing what is happening today because at one time in History a few Jews were treated nicely by muslims....I am sure that those Jews who were treated nicely at one time in History by Muslims had to adhere to Islamic law or they would have been slaughtered...I don't call that civilized.
if you had read the history of it, you wouldn't be so sure.
What history are you refering to? The Muslims have their own version about Mohamed ..are you reading their History about him? The truth is Mohamed slaughtered his way across the Middle East, and he slaughtered those who opposed him. The Muslims have a different version naturally ...whom do you believe?
.. I was talking about Islamic Iberia.
Islam is a cult of death and destruction. You are entitled to believe anything you wish about Islam, however the evidence of Islam being a death and destruction cult
is plastered over every News Station, every paper around the Globe. Why even the Arabic Media is more than happy to report the latest homocide attacks against the Infidels. My point is this: Muslims are Loyal to Islam .... Islam is evil ....do you see a connection yet? Put your heart on the back burner for a change, wake up and smell the coffee. Or to put it more lightly...read the writing on the wall.
what happened to your quotes?