Author Topic: Buchanan's Book  (Read 4754 times)

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Buchanan's Book
« on: September 04, 2006, 09:42:37 PM »
I just finished reading Pat Buchanan's book, "State of Emergency."  Overall, it's a very good read despite the fact that I don't agree with some things Buchanan has said in the past about Israel.  "State of Emergency" has no traces of Anti-Semitism anywhere; in fact there are several instances in the book where Buchanan praises the intelligence and high degree of assimilation of the Jewish immigrants from Europe who arrived between 1880-1920.  I also used to think that Buchanan was an apologist for Islam, but this book proved me wrong.  It turns out that Buchanan is very disgusted over the Islamization of Europe, and even devotes an entire chapter (called "Eurabia") of his book to the scourge.... he also sounds a warning about the very real threat of Islamic terrorists using the Mexican border to enter the U.S. where they can further carry out their evil aims.  Buchanan also proposes a very practical and effective solution to this whole immigration mess at the end of the book.  I liked a lot of what Buchanan had to say in this book, and I highly recommend it to everyone in this forum.

Yochanan Zev

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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 01:43:01 PM »
Spiritural extermination? How is that any different from secularism?? that is if you believe that the only thing that make a jew a jew is race.

If you believe that all Jews are white ( regarless of their religious persuasion ), and a Jew marries a white goy, then what's the difference?  You have a resultant goyish, demi-jew with a false sense of identity.  Does a love of Israel change that?

Offline azrom

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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2006, 08:51:27 PM »
I thought it was a good read to.
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline davkakach

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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2006, 01:46:27 PM »
Buchanan is a Jew-hater first and foremost, and everything else that he professes is secondary to that.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann

Offline truthseeker7

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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2006, 02:47:38 PM »
Buchanan is a fraud. He is a German Nazi and he never really loved this country.

I am not here to defend Pat Bucannon the person, as many true conservatives learned not to trust him during his third party presidential bid.  Calling him a Nazi is pure hyperbole, but that's besides the point I shall make.  In discussing the merits of his new book, I believe that it serves the cause of reason to separate the value of an author's message & quality of writing from the failings of the individual.  Even someone as hideous as Charles Manson may express a uniquely important insight or observation, but it doesn't mean one must embrace him as a person.  In writng his book on The Third World Invasion, Buchanan is inserting some highly controversial ideas into mainstream consciousness in a way that no one else is willing or capable of doing.  I for one won't be reading the book because I already understand the subject to well and it's too damned depressing!


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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2006, 03:49:18 PM »
Buchanan is a Jew-hater first and foremost, and everything else that he professes is secondary to that.

I disagree.  I think that Buchanan's Jew-hatred is secondary to the Mexican invasion that will destroy America.

The Mexicans are a bigger threat to America than Pat Buchanan.  Of course the stupid Americans that allow this to happen are the biggest problem.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2006, 03:51:55 PM by Scriabin »

Offline davkakach

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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2006, 10:00:26 PM »
Buchanan is a Jew-hater first and foremost, and everything else that he professes is secondary to that.

I disagree.  I think that Buchanan's Jew-hatred is secondary to the Mexican invasion that will destroy America.

The Mexicans are a bigger threat to America than Pat Buchanan.  Of course the stupid Americans that allow this to happen are the biggest problem.
I'm pretty sure that Buchanan believes that the Mexican invasion is just as symptom of a deeper problem, and the deeper problem are, of course, the Jews (the American Jewish establishment is partly to blame for the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act, but the main culprit is Ted Kennedy), and as part of his "solution", Buchanan will "take care" of the Jewish problem.  If he could, he would probably implement a Hitler-like final solution.
Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.   --Thomas Mann


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Re: Buchanan's Book
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2006, 11:08:39 AM »
Buchanan is a Jew-hater first and foremost, and everything else that he professes is secondary to that.

I disagree.  I think that Buchanan's Jew-hatred is secondary to the Mexican invasion that will destroy America.

The Mexicans are a bigger threat to America than Pat Buchanan.  Of course the stupid Americans that allow this to happen are the biggest problem.

I'm pretty sure that Buchanan believes that the Mexican invasion is just as symptom of a deeper problem, and the deeper problem are, of course, the Jews (the American Jewish establishment is partly to blame for the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act, but the main culprit is Ted Kennedy), and as part of his "solution", Buchanan will "take care" of the Jewish problem.  If he could, he would probably implement a Hitler-like final solution.

The Mexicans ARE a symptom of a much bigger problem...liberalism in general and feminism in particular.