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Need advice on which Jewish organizations to donate to.

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 As I get mailings form many Jewish oorganizations, I feel that it would be a great idea for JTF to list which are or are not wothwhile & why.I want to donate to causes that are exclusively for the benefit of the Jewish people & NOT arabs or any other group unless they can be of help to us(e.g. potential Hindu allies inn the fight against Radical Islam,etc.). I get many mailings from ZOA,Wiesenthal ctr.,AJC ,B'nei Brith,Hillel,JDO,Republican Jewish Coalition,Kahane,etc. & I need as list of who not & whom to give to.


give it to JTF!!

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I would say only JTF.

I would say JTF or a jewish old people home.

there more like meir panim tomchei shabbos


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