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Latest Richard Carrol Post: "The Candidate of Deception"
« on: August 11, 2008, 08:39:28 AM »
The Candidate of Deception
by Rich Carroll

American citizens have 90 days to connect the Jihad Candidate’s dots, or our beloved country will “change” for the Ayatollahs of Islam. This candidate’s entire background is disenfranchised from traditional America; his mentors steeped in communist doctrine and the moral relativism of black liberation theology; his goals of a one world globalist view where white people are the root cause of all evil is frightening.
His disdain for America is clearly evident in his speeches. What former U.S. President ever had to be cajoled by handlers to show respect for our flag? What former U.S. President replaced our Stars and Stripes with his invented globalist logo? What former U.S. President was a citizen of Kenya?

According to this Kenyan citizen, white Americans are Bible thumpin’, shotgun pumpin’, outhouse dumpin’ buffoons he can easily manipulate while his staff of Muslim terrorists continues with their plans of “change”.

Do you think it’s time you woke up from the American Idol show and started telling your friends to look behind the smile? You are the company you keep. Obama’s close Senatorial friend Keith Ellison (D-MN) is Muslim with strong ties to terrorist organizations and is establishing a de facto Islamic mini-state . Do you want this in the White House?

The Socialists Party candidate was just found to have a member of the FBI’s number one terrorist group, The Muslim Brotherhood, among his staff. This global terrorist organization provides the funding for death to Jews and infidels, and insures that Hamas and Al Qaeda have all the money required to kill non-Muslims. The Muslim Brotherhood provides money to buy weapons for use around the globe, including improvised explosive devices to kill American soldiers. Mazen Asbahi, who was appointed national coordinator for Muslim American affairs by the Obama campaign on July 26th, has had an eight year connection with the Muslim Brotherhood. The U.S. Department of Justice has linked Asbahi to be involved with racketeering and fundraising for the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. Please be advised that Asbahi resigned; he was not fired.

"The Muslim Brotherhood “must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” — Mohamed Akram, “An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” May 22, 1991."
Are we supposed to guess how many more terrorist-connected Muslims are on the staff of The Jihad Candidate, or are we supposed to not care? We do know by the unforgivable slip of a couple of newspaper reporters that he had Nations of Islam employees on his Illinois and campaign staffs. Our liberal mainstream media certainly won’t investigate, but I’m positive American military forces would like to know someone running for Commander in Chief employs people who raise dollars to kill them. Is this an example of what he meant in his book “I will stand with the Muslims”?

The Jihad Candidate’s staff practices the art of “Taqiyyah”, an Arabic word authorized by the Prophet Mohammed to lie to your enemies if it is to your advantage. Jennifer Mason, a member of Nations of Islam is Director of Constituent Services for Obama. Cynthia Miller, a member of Nations of Islam resigned as Obama’s Senate Treasurer. Nation of Islam member Shakir Muhammed held important roles in the Obama state senate campaign. The Obamas were close to Palestinian activist Ali Abunimah; and you wonder why the “Popular Palestinian Conference 2008” will be held in Chicago this week, where workshops will include “Inserting Palestine into High School Curricula & Empowering Students to Challenge Dominant Narratives”. Coincidence?

Are you getting a clearer picture of who Obama’s friends really are?

How many Nations of Islam or Muslim Brotherhood members will work in an Obama White House? Rebuffing any reports of his ties to Islam, Barack Hussein Obama has insisted there is “nothing wrong” with being a Muslim. This quote alone should send chills up your spine.

Close boyhood friend Zulfin Adi said Barack “was a Muslim. He went to the mosque.” Obama’s first-grade teacher Israella Dharmawan said “Barry was Muslim. He was registered as a Muslim because his father was Muslim.” In third-grade, Obama transferred to public school, where he was also registered as a Muslim where Muslim students attended weekly religion lessons about Islam; details confirmed by Obama himself in his autobiography “Dreams From My Father” where he mentions studying the Koran and describes public school as “a Muslim school.”

The lies, or Taqiyyah, from his staff continue to swirl, but facts are facts.

Are we on the eve of destruction caused by a massive campaign of deception?

Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

"I will stand with the Blue Line should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."