Author Topic: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.  (Read 13353 times)

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Offline mord

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2007, 02:28:37 PM »
In truth it's white women I absolutely hate.

      So if you hate white women go out with Black woman,actually i like all attractive women
« Last Edit: February 08, 2007, 02:36:47 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2007, 02:35:20 PM »

There, fixed it for you.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2007, 02:45:10 PM »
In truth it's white women I absolutely hate.

      So if you hate white women go out with Black woman,actually i like all attractive women

They're all impossible to talk to, really.

Was walking down the street the other day and a blonde who was talking on her phone stood next to me at the crossing.  She was having a pretty much monosyllabic conversation.  Funny thing is  I felt worthless standing there next to her.  She could thumb her nose at me in an instant and I would be devastated.  But there are plenty of men and jobs out there for her.

These people enjoy all the privileges of life while being completely stupid and unworthy.  It sucks.

There's nothing about this civilization that I would like to see preserved.  Everything should be swept away.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Yochanan Zev

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2007, 02:58:58 PM »
Kananga states:
"So what does it prove when you point out the negative actions of a few, and extrapolate that negativity across the entire race of people?"

This sounds remarkably like the 'a few radical Muslims have hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam' propaganda we're all too familiar with.

The problem is it's not just 'a few'.

The reality is that it's the 'negative actions' of many and that it's rampant and widespread.

The black community is all too quick to cry 'racism' and play the 'victim' while simultaneously refusing to admit the painful truth that it's not just 'a few' bad apples spoiling it for the rest.

It's much easier to continue to turn a blind eye to the rampant crime, murder, illegitimacy, and drug usage so prevalent in the 'hood'...or to blame the white man's 'racism' for it.

Wouldn't want to deal honestly with these problems, would we ?
After all, who wants to be called an 'Uncle Tom'.

I don't believe I have blamed racism or played victim in any discussion I've had with anyone on this board.   That' bag is for guys like fjack who read Jared Taylor and who employs the strategies he describes in his articles to raise "white racialist" awarenss.

Honestly, I really don't understand why a Jew, or a lover of Zion would want to be associated with something like that.  We are supposed to be the moral compass for others to follow, and a "light among nations".  I hate the black on white crime, the white on black crime..  I hate it all.  So race hate is the best way of dealing with these issues?   How does that make me an Uncle Tom?

Do you believe that the antisocial behaviours that some blacks demonstrate have to do with are inherent?  I don't, and I'm being honest.

Yochanan Zev

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2007, 03:17:12 PM »
These people enjoy all the privileges of life while being completely stupid and unworthy.  It sucks.

Dude, I know what you mean.  I take pride in my ability to perservere and the experience of living a good existance even though I've had to do without many things.  That's how I get my swagger.  I can look another person in the eye and stand on my convictions like a rock, having a feeling inside that I'm battle tested and built to last.

I get sneered at by these sort of clueless women all the time.  I even have had a white woman once tell me I'm not black enough, and that I was the "whitest black man she had ever met".  Now am I supposed to let some stupid idiot remark like that destroy my self-image?  We're MEN!  That sorta stuff you let roll off your back, regardless of how the woman looks.  And even if I do get a little rattled, I'll never show it.

Always keep your cool around women.  Don't ever show your nerve.

Offline Sarah

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #30 on: February 08, 2007, 03:30:50 PM »
Blacks- like some Muslims- were not born with these evil traits......the majority learnt from their parents, community and brethren. Evilness was implemented and exposed upon them, when they stole they were praised, when they fought they were told how strong and brave they were. When they became independent and went out into the world, they had nothing except these traits causing them to fall deeper and deeper into struggle, leaving nothing for them except a life of crime and abuse. They brought it upon themselves and pass it along the generations, each parent is to blame for their juvenile children.
Thats why Kananga, you are different like many others who have been brought up differently and I'm sure you will bring good to your community:) Have a nice life.......and be proud of yourself and race -though dont let it get to your head:)-but most importantly keep your jewish/gentile pride its more of a race or culture then just being simply black.

FOTL theres probably plenty of white women out there who are saying exactly the same thing as you, vice-versa in terms of gender.
Your not the only sufferer.... :) They aren't all impossible to talk maybe you're just shy and everytime they approach you hang your head in shame because of the comments you made about them here. Your conscience is killing you, dude.....
Maybe if you were appreciative of this world and its people God might then grant you a reward. It doesn't hurt to try...... i dare you.

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2007, 03:47:55 PM »
Dude, I know what you mean.  I take pride in my ability to perservere and the experience of living a good existance even though I've had to do without many things.  That's how I get my swagger.  I can look another person in the eye and stand on my convictions like a rock, having a feeling inside that I'm battle tested and built to last.

I get sneered at by these sort of clueless women all the time.  I even have had a white woman once tell me I'm not black enough, and that I was the "whitest black man she had ever met".  Now am I supposed to let some stupid idiot remark like that destroy my self-image?  We're MEN!  That sorta stuff you let roll off your back, regardless of how the woman looks.  And even if I do get a little rattled, I'll never show it.

Always keep your cool around women.  Don't ever show your nerve.

I take it they want to date you.

I've had it worse.  The women don't actually say anything to me, in most cases.  It's usually just a condescending look.  You've probably heard the philosophical maxim before, 'It is better to be hated than to be ignored.'  If I remember correctly this is from Machiavelli's 'Prince'.  Practical philosophical wisdom.

They just plain ignore me.  And that is the worst thing of all.  The worst kinds of hatred can easily be turned into love.  But contempt, is like holding someone 'on ice' - putting them into a hibernation, permanently shelved; permanently locked away in caverns, hidden eternally in dark places.

They will date black men but not me.  And even if it were not so, it would still be intolerable.  I hate them, pure and simple. 
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2007, 03:53:37 PM »
Blacks- like some Muslims- were not born with these evil traits......the majority learnt from their parents, community and brethren. Evilness was implemented and exposed upon them, when they stole they were praised, when they fought they were told how strong and brave they were. When they became independent and went out into the world, they had nothing except these traits causing them to fall deeper and deeper into struggle, leaving nothing for them except a life of crime and abuse. They brought it upon themselves and pass it along the generations, each parent is to blame for their juvenile children.
Thats why Kananga, you are different like many others who have been brought up differently and I'm sure you will bring good to your community:) Have a nice life.......and be proud of yourself and race -though dont let it get to your head:)-but most importantly keep your jewish/gentile pride its more of a race or culture then just being simply black.

FOTL theres probably plenty of white women out there who are saying exactly the same thing as you, vice-versa in terms of gender.
Your not the only sufferer.... :) They aren't all impossible to talk maybe you're just shy and everytime they approach you hang your head in shame because of the comments you made about them here. Your conscience is killing you, dude.....
Maybe if you were appreciative of this world and its people G-d might then grant you a reward. It doesn't hurt to try...... i dare you.

The young women where I live have influence in all the permutations of inter-racial interaction.  I now very often see a white girl walking along with an East Asian friend, and white girls with black female friends.  What these white women are doing is associating themselves with the non-white women so as to try and ward off any white male approaching the non-white female for companionship.

It's absolutely true that young white women are working overtime to change society but they are doing it, as it were, subconsciously.  White women are delighted to go out with Asian men, Chinese, Japanese, blacks, all sorts - but they are never ever supportive of white males going with other kinds of women.

White women only approve of white men becoming homosexual or finding some white woman to date, no matter how fugly she is.

And oh my goodness, what big SMILES these white girls have on their faces.  They are as happy as punch to be in the driving seat for once.

I feel desolate.

They make things so difficult and yet I'm told they are there for me.  But they are never there for me.  They make a pretence, a great big social hoo-hah to keep up their appearances.

They are intolerant of any real differences.

I have really suffered from this.  But the white women just carry on day-by-day, as if it's all okay.  I am never going to forgive, or forget, this.  I absolutely detest all of this.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline fjack

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #33 on: February 08, 2007, 06:42:05 PM »
Dear Karanga and Sarah, All I want is that muslims and blacks leave civilized people (whites) alone. You have wonderful paradises such as dafur, the congo, south africa. Think about what your giant intellects could do to make the plight of you black and brown brothers much better. We all now, thanks to black mythology month, that you are the creators of civilization, that you were ancient egyptians that invented the airplane, that you africans built the pyramids in meso america (as per ivan van sertima), you invented medicine, math and science, and you even invented peanut butter. Why would you bless whitey with your gigantic brainpower. If you went to africa you could turn that place into a garden of eden. I am sure that they would be many liberals that would miss you and I am sure that the socials workers would be crushed, since they would lose their jobs since there would be no blacks to hand out welfare to. We don't deserve you. We are not worthy to have you in our society. Imagine what whitey would lose, we would lose slums, we could ride the subway in peace, we could go out at night, we would be able to send our children back to public school, we would lose the joys of hearing rap polution blasting from cars. I would be crushed if you deserted us for the splendor of africa.

Offline mord

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2007, 06:41:32 AM »
I would also like to see some whites ,the ones on college campuses who teach leftist doctrines leave this country
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline fjack

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Re: I've never felt I wanted to lynch someone until now.
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2007, 04:41:02 PM »
Dear Cosmo, I also have some friends that are black. They have achieved, they do not commit crimes, they do not hate whites nor do they ask whitey for any reparations. As far as I am concerned they are wonderful Americans that can contribute, can achieve, can do what is expected of a good citizen. I am also proud of you, my fellow poster, for your courage, your intergity and your not taking any BS. I know that sometimes I get carried away, but that is the nature of the beast.