Let’s face it, if Barak Obama wasn’t heading the Democratic ticket, he wouldn’t make the ticket. That’s because the Vice Presidential nominee goes through an exhaustive “vetting”process that examines the person’s life in depth. But, an exhaustive examination of Obama’s life would have eliminated him from consideration. Here’ why:
Past associations: One of the first things that gets examined in the VP process is the candidate’s prior associations. In Obama’s case, he would have to overcome numerous problems. For example, former unrepentant Weatherman member and federal office building bomber William Ayers held fundraisers for Obama early in his career.
Then there is Obama’s spiritual mentor of twenty years, Reverend Wright. His race baiting, bigoted black separatist preaching was so extreme that when it made national news, it rocked the country.
Add into the mix, the Jack Abramoff of Illinois politics, Tony Rezko. Less than two years ago, Obama was doing questionable business deals with the convicted felon. True, Rezko had not been convicted at the time, but he was under investigation for political corruption. A fact that Obama knew at the time that he was engaging in the questionable dealings. Obama called the deals, “A bonehead move”.
Obama also has ties to an avowed communist, Saul Alinsky. And these are just the better known associations. No candidate would have risked these ties in their VP nominee.
Experience: This might have been Obama’s biggest weakness as a running mate. He simply has no qualifications to be Vice- President on any level. He’s never governed, or run a business. His Senate experience is paper thin. He did chair a Senate committee, but never held a hearing. Obama began his run for President after just one year on the job as a United States Senator. He simply would not have brought anything to the table for another candidate in this category.
Ideology: Barak Obama is an extreme liberal. His Senate voting record made him the most liberal member of that body. His over arching economic theme is European style socialism that is being rejected even in Europe. Obama is so outside the mainstream, that he would not have brought balance to any other candidate.
Abortion: On this topic, Obama is so extreme that he would have off scared any potential running mate. Obama actually blocked bills in the Illinois Senate on three occasions that would have protected the lives of children who had survived an abortion and were outside the mother’s womb. Even the most extreme abortion proponent in the U.S. Senate, Barbara Boxer voted in favor of bills that afforded that much protection to the lives of innocent children. Abortion is a hot button topic for Catholics and Evangelicals. Obama’s stance will alienate that voting block.
Electoral help: Some VP picks are made because the nominee can help the head of the ticket carry an important state or states. Here Obama would have been no help what so ever. Illinois is going to vote Democratic. Obama would not have helped carry any other state.
Integrity: Obama has none. From lying about his abortion record, to flip flopping on virtually every topic, Barak Obama is a man whose word cannot be trusted. There is nothing in this category that Obama could have brought to improve a ticket.
Arrogance: Obama's sense of self worth is so out of proportion to his actual accomplishments, that no one would have wanted him on their ticket. They would have been concerned about him upstaging the main guy. There would have been concern as well that Obama would have been using his office to promote himself at their expense. Meglomaniacs don't make good running mates. Maureen Dowd mentioned that Obama was aloof and distant with the air of a Prince of Privilege. Not exactly the qualities of a team player.
Stature: Also referred to as “gravitas”, which alludes to an individual’s respect on the national political scene, or Fortune 500 business community. This category is closely tied to the Experience category, but is not synonymous. This is an area where someone who is wise or seasoned can help a ticket. Think Lloyd Bentsen. Even Al Gore had stature for Bill Clinton. Obama would add nothing to a ticket on this count.
All of which raises the question: If Obama isn’t good enough to be VP, how could he be good enough to be President?