Author Topic: 'Wave of hatred' warning as attacks on Jews hit record high in Britain...  (Read 2215 times)

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Offline azrom

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Attacks on Britain's Jews have risen to the highest level since records began.

A study published today shows the number of reported anti-Semitic incidents has almost tripled in 10 years, with more than half the attacks last year taking place in London.

The findings prompted the report's authors to warn of a "wave of hatred" against Jews.

The number of incidents increased to 594 last year, up by 31 per cent on the previous year.

Violent assaults soared to 112, up by more than a third on 2005.

Incidents ranged from the unprovoked stabbing of a Jewish man in north London to the sending of hate mail and the vandalism of Jewish cemeteries and synagogues.

The Anti-Semitic Incidents Report 2006, compiled by the Community Security Trust (CST), responsible for combating anti-Semitism in the UK, blames the huge rise on a number of factors ranging from Israel's invasion of Lebanon last summer to the jailing of the historian David Irving in Austria for denying the Holocaust.

The threatened suspension of Ken Livingstone as Mayor for comments made to a Jewish Evening Standard reporter triggered 11 anti-Semitic incidents, according to the report.

When the figures were first compiled in 1984, there were just 154 reported incidents, about a quarter of the total for last year.

Mark Gardner, CST spokesman said of the level of hate crimes: "This is unacceptable racism, that many Jews had hoped and believed was a thing of the past.

"Today's anti-Semitism is a wave of hatred, intimidation and abuse against British Jews, who are stupidly blamed and randomly attacked over international tensions for which they bear no responsibility."

Incidents last year include:

An Orthodox Jew punched in the face and almost pushed off a Tube platform by an Arab man who screamed: "Get back to Stamford Hill, I want to kill you all"

A Jewish man walking to synagogue with his two young sons suffered a broken leg after being punched and kicked by a white man shouting "f***ing Jew"

Seventy incidents of desecration and damage to synagogues, cemeteries, Jewish schools and private homes with attacks including swastikas daubed on walls

Savage assault of a 12-year-old Jewish girl Jasmine Kranat, who was beaten unconscious on a north London bus by two teenage girls who asked her first if she was Jewish.

The physical descriptions of perpetrators in 205 of the incidents show 96 were by white people, 28 by black people, 60 by Asians and 16 by Arabs. The report has been passed to ministers.
"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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96 were by white people, 28 by black people, 60 by Asians and 16 by Arabs

Please bear in mind the disproportionality.  I make that 96 by whites and 104 by ethnic minorities.  Therefore ethnic minorities are responsible for 52% of anti-semitic assaults.  Yet, ethnic minorities are supposedly only 10-15% of the population.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2007, 08:28:06 AM by Fruit of thy loins »
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "...I make that 96 by whites and 104 by ethnic minorities.  Therefore ethnic minorities are responsible for 52% of anti-semitic assaults.  Yet, ethnic minorities are supposedly only 10-15% of the population...."

It's even worse than you think, Fruit!

One of the Jews who was beaten, heard the chignerino who punched him out say


Offline MarZutra

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It is getting real bad.  It is such a shame that the JDL went straight down the toilet.  There is a real need for Jewish Defense organizations to give these bastards back what they have contributed to us...  There was an article about the [censored] nog infestation and utter collapse of the local neighborhood near Jane and Finch in Toronto.  Sad...truly...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.