Author Topic: Race to destroy Israel and hasten the coming of the Mahdi hits a snag...  (Read 2167 times)

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Offline Shamgar

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    • TangoMike3
August 21, 2008
Race to destroy Israel and hasten the coming of the Mahdi hits a snag     ;D  ;D
A rather dismal display. "Iran missile test failed: US observers," from AFP, August 20 (thanks to all who sent this in):

Iran announced on Sunday that it had successfully launched into space a missile with a dummy satellite. There were conflicting accounts by Iranian officials as to whether the missile was carrying a satellite or simply capable of carrying one.
A US intelligence official, who asked not to be identified, said the Iranian missile failed shortly after lift-off.

"It was a rather dismal display," the official said. "It certainly didn't get very far off the ground, and it definitely did not meet the overall objectives that the Iranians reported the test achieved."

From the JihadWatch site.

Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

"I will stand with the Blue Line should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."