Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles
I think I met a girl, but.....
--- Quote from: Scriabin on August 25, 2008, 08:48:09 PM ---
--- Quote from: Vito on August 21, 2008, 01:50:56 PM ---She is a beautiful Syrian Orthodox girl from Australia.
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No one good ever came out of that penal colony.
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aussie jtfer, dont bash australia mate (he would have wanted me to stick up for him in his absence)
Vito - Just get to know her. Don't place any great expectations on the relationship. You will figure out what kind of person she really is...if you just take it slow. You are a great guy. Intelligent, handsome and kind. Qualities that will make the right girl very happy. Don't knock yourself.
Vito, with some of the advise you are getting :o ... I am just going to pray for you.
Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
--- Quote from: Scriabin on August 25, 2008, 08:48:09 PM ---No one good ever came out of that penal colony.
--- End quote ---
But seriously--Australia has had far more than its share of Nazi trolls. :o
I won't go as far as saying she's a Nazi.. nor does she have any agenda. She is completely apolitical..
She said "I think Obama should win, he seems like a good guy"
I said "Are you joking? Barak Hussein Obama?"
She said "Are you serious, that's his middle name?!"
So I went on to explain how he's a Muslim.. she couldn't believe it, she said "I can't believe this.. how can Americans even think of voting for a Muslim?!".. then she told her sister "Obama is a f**king Muslim!" The sister was shocked and disgusted.
They obviously have a strong hatred for Muslims.
When I talk about Jews, she doesn't react like that at all.. more like they're just odd people with a different religion.
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