Kahanist Singles > Jewish Singles
Who are the most beautiful girls?
This topic really sends the wrong message. It make us look materialistic, shallow, and immoral to judge women strictly on how they look and it goes completely against what the Torah says for us to do. I'm locking this thread because it just won't die. I hope you understand.
I recieved a private message regarding this subject and I wanted to post the response:
Shalom ...,
I just changed the message to be a little lighter. [In regards to allowing humorous posts,] There are many, many, MANY topics that are humorous and have nothing at all to do with our movement. I just want respect shown to Jewish women. I want them treated right for who they are, what their soul is, and what Hashem wants us to use our intellect to perceive them as. Animals only make mating decisions based on what their species look like and we are above the animals.
With that said, I do not think negatively of any of our wonderful members who might have posted in that thread. I care about each and every one of them - just like I care how Jewish women are treated. They don't deserve to be put up in comparison to Turkish muslims or other nations. We are a Holy nation, G-d's chosen people, and we must protect the Jewish people under all costs. This is the very foundation of Kahanism.
I think I'll post this ... so the members understand why I locked the thread. I do not think negatively towards anyone because they probably had no ill intention and didn't understand what they were doing.
We should always strive to be an example because that's exactly who the Jewish people have been throughout history. When we do what's right, the world becomes a better place. And when we do wrong, G-d forbid, we make the world a little darker. We have great responsibilities and a beautiful Torah from Hashem that many gave their lives for in order to hand it down to us.
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