BTW, everyone here seems to have forgotten about the supreme self-hating kapo slut Bar Refaeli:

[edit] Controversy
She had evaded mandatory service in the Israeli army (which requires a two- to three-year enlistment from citizens upon turning eighteen) by marrying a family acquaintance, whom she divorced soon after.[16] She justified the evasion, stating in an interview with Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, "I really wanted to serve in the IDF, but I don't regret not enlisting, because it paid off big-time," further adding, "Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn't it better to live in New York?"[17] Refaeli has since claimed the interview didn't accurately reflect her statements.
The issue again came to the forefront when the Israeli Forum for the Promotion of Equal Share in the Burden threatened to boycott the fashion chain Fox if they hired Refaeli, but the two sides reached a compromise in which the model would visit injured IDF soldiers on visits to Israel and encourage enlistment in the army.[18]