General Category > General Discussion

Memorial for Rabbi Kahane zt'l

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I am not Jewish however and unfortunately do not know any Orthodox Jews (being there are virtually no Orthodox Jews in Orange County, Ca.)

I would of course love to have friends in the Orthodox Jewish community, I just don't want to be bothersome.

I would be thrilled if you could send me DVDs of the Great Rabbi.  I have listened to every audio clip of Rabbi Kahane NUMEROUS times on the internet and was profoundly captivated by his wisdom, courage, righteousness, truthfulness, passion and logic.

Thank you so much and Shalom

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
maybe i would be able to come, i will see. will their be any special guest speakers? and in general whos comming to speak at the event? thanks

We are still getting the speakers when the list is finalized I will publish it but I tell you it is definetly worth attending

Wish I could attend!

Interesting how you blew me off when you found that I wasn't Jewish. ???


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