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Fruit of Thy Loin's Comments About Ask JTF

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Ug, I would never touch a white female who has been with a [censored]. They must have a mental disease to date those animals, I wonder if they actually want to have sex with the gorillas at the zoo but can't so they go and do it with the walking male ape of north america and western europe. I think dating a white female who has been with one is degrading to the white male.

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: sarah.... on February 05, 2007, 02:55:44 PM ---Thinking about it FOTL, i know this may seem strange, but i hardly even see any white men around anymore. I mean literally. I can't remember seeing more then 3 young white men today, either they're disappearing into thin air, the shvartzas have murdered them all or have gone into hiding like you orrrrrr i've suddenly aquired the memory of a fish.
--- End quote ---

White men are now make up less than one in three of every person who lives in London.  Quite often I will have taken a stroll through a British city during working hours on a weekday.  What I tend to see is an overwhelmingly female and ethnic minority picture, because most white men are either working, in prison, or lying about in a state somewhere.  The white women are indoctrinated into forms of negro-worship and negro-idolatry.  I have oftentimes walked into a shop, (which white women consider their shrine, their holy place,) and had all the women look askance at me as I watch them bopping and singing along to the negro music playing in the store's stereo system.  I look up at the gigantic posters of negroes in disgust, and the white women are as offended as Catholics who think that their Jesus-idolatry is being affronted.

The white girls play with black dolls and their mommies keep chatting up black guys.

Are you surprised that white men are disappearing?  Don't be.  White men have one of two options: shut up and work, like an inhuman robot, or die.  White men are not permitted to express the full range of emotions and sides of their personality.  Even in little provincial towns I see nothing but white women with Asian and black lovers.

White women don't want white men any more: but they certainly want our money, if we have any.  They also want to compete for our jobs and they are more than happy to see us penniless and unsuccessful.  It's all fair game to them.  They only show compassion on negroids.

Their beloved negroes.  Their swarthy, well-endowed, smelly lovers.

The white woman cops a glance at an approaching sub-Saharan African and straightway is rendered unto a state of extreme sexual apprehension.  I have even seen a white woman throw apart her legs at the approach of a young negro.

This is indeed the will of the Creator.  He is punishing this country for its manifold evils, past and present.  Our future has been mortgaged against repayments on this evil history.  Only the young blonde English can get anywhere these days.  The rest of us are consigned to a fate of doom.  Therefore self-confidence and self-belief is of no avail.  G-d Himself wills me to be this way, simply because i was born here.

G-d is punishing me for the sins of my father, my father's father, and my father's father's nation.

I am forsaken of G-d, and only Satan ever talks to me now.

Fruit of thy loins:

--- Quote from: azrom on February 05, 2007, 04:29:38 PM ---I wonder if fruit of the loon would marry a white female after shes been with a schvartza?

--- End quote ---

Once I was in town and a cute young blonde smiled up at me, as if wanting me to speak to her.  She had a pram and a baby was inside.  I peered inside,

and, behold,

my eyes beheld a brown abomination.

If you wouldn't do a white woman who loves black men, then you'll end up like me: never doing any white women.

Every white woman wants a black man.

If they say otherwise, they are simply trying to flatter your vanity.

Most white women won't even bother to do that nowadays.

If you want to date a young white woman, you have to demonstrate your anti-racist credentials.  White women feel guilty for dating white men.  They need you to justify their guilt by being invariably pro-negro.

In my opinion, the white woman is an enemy - nay, a fiercesome, fire-breathing dragon - who needs perforce to be vanquished.


Fruit writes:  "...only Satan ever talks to me now..."

That may or may not be true, Fruit, but MASSUHDGOODNAME is writing this in response to your post!

Last week, I went to a favorite dinner buffet restaurant.
Across the room was a truly beautiful young white brunette, probably mid-20's in age.
One of those natural beauties on a par with the young Elizabeth Taylor.
I found it difficult to avoid glancing her way every now and then, not in an improper way, but merely appreciating her poise and grace.

After a while, I noticed an unbelievably ugly (almost misshapen in a manner more simian than human) young adult negro buck shoveling food onto his plate up at the buffet bar.
His lips had to be the size of two watermelons.
Eyes were all sclerotic yellow with bloodshot in them like he'd been up all night drinking shoepolish.
His upper arms were about 4inches in length with huge biceps, with long ungainly and sinewy hands; some of the nails on his fingers had brown stripes running up the nailbeds...looked as if he had never washed his hands in his entire life.
His head was like a gigantic bowling ball with velcro glued down on the top, and between his shoulders and head was a thick roll of black fat where the back of his neck should be.
Each move he made looked as if he was hearing a "boombox" in his mind, and wanted to stomp on a car's brake and gas pedal over and over while delusions of "popping a cap" on 'sumbody played like a Spielburg movie in his dimly lit memory banks.
I was beginning to actually feel physically ill; saying a little prayer in thanks for having handled the food utensils before he did!


The 6' 2" ubangi, turned and walked over to the beautiful brunette's booth, sat down next to her as if they were husband and wife, and she put her knife and fork down and began french kissing the beast and sticking her tongue in his ear.
It was as if she literally couldn't keep her hands off of the animal...they were just all over him, as if she had found the most handsome, distinguished man on the face of the planet.

More damaged goods, Fruit!

Fruit of thy loins:
Even although MassuhD's experience probably took place in the U.S., I see things like that here too.  Once I saw a gorgeous blonde woman was wrapping herself around just the ugliest, most simple-looking and gormless black guy you could ever imagine in one particular nightclub.

England was the first to have an industrial revolution. It was the first to foster radical feminism. It was the first to abolish slavery.

It will be the first to have a majority of its young white women dating and marrying black men.


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