Dalmacia, you narrowly miss with your excusation of quranimals heresy.
Every self-confessed member of this Nazi cult is the enemy - there are no exceptions. Egypt is a hotbed for hordes of extreme dangerous quranimals i.e. the Muslim brotherhood. Egypt employed German Nazi generals of the SS and the Wehrmacht in order to train their Soldies to destroy Israel. Egypt supported the murdering Jihadist foreign legions in Bosna and Herzegowina.
Of course not every person with Muslim background is an enemy of righteousness, but everybody who sais: "I am a Muslim" is it for shure.
You should do repentence, before it is too late 
The Kuran respects the oldd testament?
I don't understand this question. But I meant, that you should repent. Muslimes are like Pat Buchanan no friends of righteousness.
Perhaps they hate America more than Serbia, ans so they choose to do some things in order to hurt America by supporting serbia but they are enemies. You should not excuse people who in the example of egypt spent 50/ of their whole gouvernment-budget to support the population grow. They are extremly dangerous specially to Serbs.
The EU will bribe and pressure the Serbian gouvernment to open the borders to Muzzies. So the story of Kosovo and Bosnia Herzegowina will repeat. Perhaps this time with Arab Muslims. And the best part is, they will bomb you again if you refuse to pay them welfare in order to ensure that they will have a big population growth. Otherwise you will be an offender of the human right to food.
Look in the European cities and you see what is happening. Whole Europe is working to feed Muzzies. In Germany goes half of the budget like in Egypt to welfare. There are official statistics, that 70-75 percent of Muslims live on welfare. Perhaps they have made the statistics look good by euphemizing.
Ask our Jewish friends here how much Muslims in Israel live on welfare and receive for every child they are unable and unwilling to feed through righteous hard work the money of the hardworking Jews. They have made this before through
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JizyaThey are a parasitic cocky Nazi cult, like the Nationalsozialism was/is. They are dangerous for our survival.
I repeat you have to repent. It is a terrible sin to excuse this quranimals.