Author Topic: Orientals  (Read 2765 times)

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« on: February 04, 2007, 07:23:39 PM »
the other problem i had with the JTF site, was in one thread, a poster claimed that Koreans had not creative intelligence. i was deeply offended by this statement, as i tutor Koreans in ESL, and have many Korean friends. it was an asinine, untrue statement, and i cannot fathom how the poster came to that conclusion. however, i do understand that it is not the majority of the posters on that site

The comment posted about Koreans has nothing to do with JTF's leadership. The leaders of JTF have said that Orientals are intelligent people. Even though they have a different culture, they are able to come here and succeed even though they come from a country with a totally different alphabet and language. The only thing that was said about them by a JTF leader is that they don't drive well. David Ben Moshe said that, not Chaim. I personally do not see a problem with how they drive. But they are good people and are not evil. It's true that some of their governments are Communists, but the governments don't represent the common people there. The Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans come from a highly advanced and very intelligent civilized civilization, especially The Japanese.

I used to live in a neighborhood with many Orientals but those were a different kind then Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. Those particular people were not civilized and their parents let their kids misbehave and walk around naked on the street. Those were Vietnamese, Thais, and Laotians. The way they behaved had nothing to do with their race but rather their lack of education and growing up in a war zone. Many of them were refugees of The Vietnam War. For a while I didn't like Orientals because of the way those particular ones acted but I now differentiate between those ones and the good ones.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 06:11:12 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »

Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Orientals
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 04:42:57 AM »
I've seen plenty of occasions where Orientals display racist attitudes to white people.

These folk are cunning devils.  They are humble, submissive and sometimes even whimper like dogs when they sense that the white man is strong.  But in the presence of white weakness, they turn into vicious foxes.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Orientals
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2007, 10:07:33 AM »
Fruit writes:  "...humble, submissive and sometimes even whimper like dogs when they sense that the white man is strong.  But in the presence of white weakness, they turn into vicious foxes..."

What did'ya expect from little yellow men with bow legs?

Seriously, though...they are as a racial group most intelligent.

Unlike westerners, their traditions place the highest value on honoring family & ancestors, knowing one's place, and obeying authority.

Their extraordinary achievements in arts & literature disprove with certainty the claims of nutritionists that malnutrition produces mental retardation.

Seem to have an "ability to intensely focus on one task or endeavor; to the exclusion of all others".

They have suffered greatly, as have we Jews, from a tendency towards political and social disunity.

Invented the "limp noodle" thousands of years prior to Bush's election.

Also invented GUNPOWDER!...thousands of years prior to Hollywood's inventing the TV show "GUNSMOKE!"

Asian Buddhist PRIESTS invented THE MARTIAL ARTS! time you see a little yellow man with his head "zipped up", standing in the gauge of a railroad track, barefoot; kicking repeatedly the cow catcher on the diesel engine car with his big toe...

walk up to him and say the following:

"Hey, YOU"...."Ching Chang Chung"...."you savvy?"

"Me wantee 1 corumn "A", & 1 corumn "B"!

"Rite starch onree on shirty preese!

"Hey!".."you got'um' sister named China Doll?"