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Don't fear God
Din Rodef:
OK - back on Topic
Fear Hashem
Chaim is right
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on February 05, 2007, 07:26:37 PM --- Are the Jews who live in the US stupid too?
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Only if you stay here
There isn't much time left. I say that out of very serious concern for the Jewish community.
Massive 3rd world immigration to America is causing a demographic shift that will be very harmful to the American Jewish community. The only reason America has been safe fo Jews for so long is because of the White Christian European majority. When that majority vanishes, America will no longer be a safe place for Jews. The 3rd worlders, once they become powerful enough, will launch their own pograms and ethnic cleansing campaigns.
But it gets worse than that.
Since most prominent American Jewish figures in politics and entertainment have openly supported multi-culturalism and massive 3rd world immigration to America...most White Christian Americans will view the presence of Jews as hostile to their own interests. Jews will be viewed by whites as collaborators with the 3rd world invaders.
Listen very closely when Chaim warns that Jews must return to Israel or fear the wrath of Hashem. The only way to avoid a future holocaust in America is to make Aliyah. Chaim is warning....but is anybody really listening?
Fear Hashem
Joe Gutfeld:
I don't fear god. I think he is a jerk. If God is so great, how come he let 6 million Jews die in the camps. I don't buy Chaim's reason for it. He said that the reason they died in the camps, was because they wouldn't go to Israel when Hitler rose to power. I don't think so. They just didn't think that Hitler was a threat.
Din Rodef:
--- Quote from: Joe Gutfeld on March 27, 2007, 07:14:38 PM ---I don't fear G-d. I think he is a jerk. If G-d is so great, how come he let 6 million Jews die in the camps. I don't buy Chaim's reason for it. He said that the reason they died in the camps, was because they wouldn't go to Israel when Hitler rose to power. I don't think so. They just didn't think that Hitler was a threat.
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But why didn't the Jews in Europe view Hitler as a threat?
What made them disregard Hitler and the Nazis?
The Jews in Europe were comfortable in their lives. They didn't want to move to Israel. They had accumulated business, property, status and wealth.
The Diaspora was supposed to be punishment...not a vacation.
When the Nazis began to rise to power and advertise their intentions for a "Final Solution"...the Jews in Europe disregarded the Nazi threat because they also disregarded the punishment of Diaspora.
If they had remembered their true purpose...they would have seen the threat RIGHT AWAY.
But, they had forgotten their true purpose...and that is why they never saw the threat coming. They intentionally ignored the threat...just like they intentionally ignored their purpose.
The same thing that happend to Jews in Europe during the 1930s is happening to Jews in America right now. Many American Jews have forgotten their true purpose. They are comfortable in their lives. They have forgotten that the Diaspora is punishment. Hashem has given American Jews almost 60s years since the creation of Israel to get out of America. Soon, if the Jews don't leave willingly...I fear Hashem will use force to make Jews return to Israel. That "force" may come in the form of the 3rd world invasion of America.
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