Author Topic: Scary' intruder drill leaves Phillipsburg,NJ teachers upset, officials assured  (Read 4190 times)

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Offline White Israelite

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Scary' intruder drill leaves Phillipsburg,NJ teachers upset, officials assured

"A group of elementary teachers gathered for a workshop at Phillipsburg Early Childhood Learning Center got a shock Friday when a gunman burst into the facility library.

The man, yelling obscenities, squeezed off several shots, prompting those present to run for cover and pray for their lives.

They found out later that the gunman was an actor and the shots fired were blanks, both part of a "hostile intruder drill" organized by the Phillipsburg School District and police department."

Two lucky notes for the actor:

1. PRNJ - 1000x 0% chance of anyone being armed.
2. School=Defenseless Victim Zone.

Further observation:
"The man, yelling obscenities, squeezed off several shots, prompting those present to run for cover and pray for their lives.

The teachers had been trained how to react in such a circumstance and used what they learned effectively during the exercise, Chando said.

Town police Chief Edward Mirenda also praised teachers' performance, saying, "Teachers did a great job and reacted as they were trained."

Trained = Baaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I look forward to the day where the story includes:

"Mr. Z- a teacher at the school - reacting to the alleged maniac - promptly took a metal folding chair and beat the maniac senseless rendering him unconscious and near death

Unfortunately, any heroic action would be met with loss of employment at the very least, massive legal defense fees and potential arrest and sentencing!

Offline Shamgar

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That is a stupid thing to do. I carry every where I go that doesn't have a metal detector. I would have tapped him twice in the forehead before he got his second shot off.
Infidels fighting Obamazombies and Islamazombies in the wastelands of the former United States.

"I will stand with the Blue Line should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Offline White Israelite

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That is a stupid thing to do. I carry every where I go that doesn't have a metal detector. I would have tapped him twice in the forehead before he got his second shot off.

I smell lawsuits galore.

Offline Zionistforever

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That is a stupid thing to do. I carry every where I go that doesn't have a metal detector. I would have tapped him twice in the forehead before he got his second shot off.

I smell lawsuits galore.
  :::D only in america. i am actualy glad that the teachers do such things. i mean when the day comes that a terrorist does break into a school, we will be prepared.
Eretz Tzion Yerushalaim. Hashem bless Israel.

Offline White Israelite

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That is a stupid thing to do. I carry every where I go that doesn't have a metal detector. I would have tapped him twice in the forehead before he got his second shot off.

I smell lawsuits galore.
  :::D only in america. i am actualy glad that the teachers do such things. i mean when the day comes that a terrorist does break into a school, we will be prepared.

What did it prepare them for? Run around like chickens with their heads cut off? Doesn't seem to have done anything.