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I just can't watch this stuff, it's just too depressing.
--- Quote from: ftf on February 07, 2007, 05:36:31 PM ---I just can't watch this stuff, it's just too depressing.
--- End quote ---
And the content JTF provides isn't? KNOW THY ENEMY!!! It's essential that Jews know this stuff, whether it's depressing or not. Turn your depression into anger and fight back!
Thanks for Blaming the Jews, I've never seen it before.
I've seen too much of it, I've had enough of hearing people say kill the christians, kill the jews, blow up the uk, blow up the usa, I can't take any more.
I was kind of dissapointed by the "Blame the Jews" video the host was a total idiot, he seemed to lack even the most basic knowledge of the history of Islam, and he truly thinks if we just appease the muslim filth enough they will be satisfied.
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