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Offline Shlomo

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NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« on: October 09, 2008, 09:41:58 PM »
It's so sick... the muslim swine waited until the Jews were weak from fasting in a Jewish area and attacked them. Some of them fought back but the bolshevik police stated "We know that Jews intend to carry out acts of revenge" after the disgusting muslim arabs screamed "Death to the Jews" and the Jewish people defended themselves.

It's just utterly disgusting. We need to throw these animals OUT!

Arabs and Jews Clash on Yom Kippur in Akko
by Nissan Ratzlav-Katz

Jews fearing a terror attack stoned an Arab driver, and Arabs rioted and vandalized Jewish property in the mixed Mediterranean coastal city of Akko (Acre) during the Yom Kippur holiday and fast. Clashes began Wednesday evening and lasted through Thursday night. Police are on alert to prevent further provocations or acts of vengeance.

The day of violence began Wednesday evening, just after the start of the Yom Kippur fast, when an Arab driver from Akko's Old City entered a majority-Jewish neighborhood. The vehicle apparently raised suspicions, as in Israel it is considered unacceptable for anyone other than emergency vehicles to drive on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar, although it is not forbidden by law. The driver had to bypass a barrier set up to block traffic at the entrance to the neighborhood.

A resident of Akko told Israel National News that the motorist was spotted driving at a high speed towards a park where a group of Jewish youth had gathered. Fearing they were the target of a vehicular terrorist attack - of the type that has been perpetrated several times in recent months - the youths pelted the car with rocks and called for help. Jews from the neighborhood gathered and the driver took refuge with his relatives, a local Arab family.

At that point, Akko Arabs were called to come to the aid of the driver and his family, with the help of a rumor that Jews had killed an Arab resident of the Old City. One police officer, the Arab driver and another person were lightly injured as hundreds of people, Jews and Arabs, clashed in the streets.

'If You Leave Your Homes, We'll Kill You'
Police, representatives of Akko City Hall and local Arab leaders managed to end the clashes, but the violence continued as Arabs heading back to their neighborhoods ran riot through Jewish areas of the city. Calling "Death to the Jews" and Allah hu akbar ("Allah is great"), the rioters vandalized hundreds of Jewish-owned shops and vehicles, and threw rocks at people on their way to or from Yom Kippur prayers.

According to an eyewitness, "The Arabs threatened Jews that if they left their home they'd be attacked. The Arabs began vandalizing Jewish-owned cars in the street and smashing windows. Afterwards, we saw them coming with axes and slashing tires. It was awful. Residents were afraid to leave for the synagogue."

Sources in the Akko municipality claimed that among those inciting the Arab mobs were known Islamist activists. Police arrested eight people on suspicion of involvement in the violence. Four people were arraigned Thursday, the others will see a judge on Friday.

More Violence as the Fast Ends
Clashes resumed Thursday night after the fast ended, with demonstrations by hundreds of Jews and Arabs near the train station in the eastern section of the city and near the housing projects in the northern neighborhoods. Jewish youths set fire to an empty lot and attempted to make their way to other parts of the city.

Police blocked the eastern entrance to Akko and have been pushing Jewish protesters back towards a local first aid station. To disperse the crowds, police used stun and gas grenades, as well as water hoses, but had difficulty controlling the demonstrators. Clashes with the police continued sporadically into the night, as the Northern District Police Chief, Shimon Koren, is personally overseeing the crowd control operations.

Police are deploying hundreds of officers, patrol cars and special forces in the city's hot spots. "We know that Jews intend to carry out acts of revenge, but we are not talking about an organized initiative," a police spokesman said. "The force will prevent any such interaction."

Public Security Minister Avi Dichter is monitoring the situation closely, but did not announce any intention of going to Akko for a field inspection.
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Offline zachor_ve_kavod

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2008, 01:17:30 AM »
We do need to throw these animals out, and not just the muslims either, but also to throw the bolsheviks from their cushy knesset jobs.  We need to take control for the sake of the country.  But I also believe that if we do take power it will not be necessary to throw out the arabs.  They will RUN out of the country if they see us coming.

Offline Ulli

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2008, 01:34:20 AM »
I agree, they have to go. They are totally insane and are contributing nothing to Israeli society as violence fear and suffering.
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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2008, 02:56:06 AM »


Yes, this is very saddening news. After a very long Yom Kippur service I get home and read this news. It was a wonderful day and my fast was not so bad, considering I took a mega-vitamin just before starting the fast. I was davening for almost 10 hours today, from one service to the next. We had a wonderful cantor from New York who is friends with my rabbi. I attended a small orthodox/chabad Yom Kippur service full of devoted prayer, singing and clapping, and of course Divrei Torah. Since I am in such a spiritual mood right now I will attempt to understand this from a Torah perspective.

One would have hoped that there would be a peaceful solution to this problem. But I am beginning to be convinced that we have discovered the remnants of Amalek. Traditionally Ishmael was not Amalek. According to our understanding, Ishmael is a wild and unlearned people. Hashem had mercy on Ismael when he was sick after Abraham kicked him and his mother out of his house. Hashem promised Abraham he would make a great nation out of the children of Ismael. It seems that aspect of Hashems word has come true. The Arab nation is a large and growing nation. Unfortunately {Fortunately?} Hashems mercy is based on judging us for what we have done wrong, not what we are going to do wrong. We can ask Hashem if he knew that Ishmael would become the nation which would harass the Jews why would he let Ishmael live?

Chabad Definition of Ismael:
Ishmael: (1727-1590 B.C.E.) Son of Abraham and Hagar. Banished together with his mother from Abraham’s household because of his potentially negatively influence on Isaac. Though a rogue in his younger years, he eventually repented. Ancestor of Arabic nations.

Here is some more background information about Ishmael, from the Torah perspective:

After the miraculous birth of Yitzchak, reported in next week's parasha Genesis 21, the Torah tells us (Genesis 21:9) that Sarah (that's her new name now) saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian m'tzah'chaik--mocking. The rabbis explain that this term denotes three cardinal sins: idolatry, adultery and murder, acts which convinced Sarah that Ishmael could not remain in the household with her son, and had to be sent away. Of all the trials that Abraham had to endure, none was so hard as this. Abraham greatly grieved over having to separate himself from his son, but G-d tells Abraham specifically that he must listen to whatever Sarah says.

Hagar and Ishmael are cast out into the wilderness, with but a loaf of bread and a skin of water. Soon the water is depleted, and Ishmael is delirious from thirst. Hagar casts Ishmael under the shrubs, to spare herself the agony of seeing the death of her child. An angel of G-d calls out to Hagar from heaven and instructs her not to fear, for G-d has heard the cry of the youth. Genesis 21:18, "Ku'mee s'eeh et ha'na'ar, va'ha'chaz'eekee et ya'dai'ch bo, kee l'goy gadol ah'see'meh'nu." Rise up, lift up the youth and grasp him with your hand, for I will make a great nation of him. Ishmael recovers from the ordeal, and goes to live in the wilderness of Paran. Hagar takes an Egyptian wife for Ishmael.

This year, in a speech delivered during the Aseret Y'mai T'shuvah (the Ten Days of Repentance) on behalf of Just One Life, Rabbi Yisocher Frand of Ner Israel Baltimore, made the following insightful analysis of the relationship of Ishmael to the Jewish people. The Torah tells us in Genesis 25:18, "V'ay'leh tol'dot Yishmael," these are the descendants of Ishmael, "Al p'nay kol eh'ch'av nafal," he dwelt besides all his brothers. Why the language nafal, asks Rabbi Frand, which really means to fall? Quoting the Baal HaTurim (Rabbi Yaakov son of the Rosh, biblical commentator, c. 1275-c.1340), Rabbi Frand explains that only when Ishmael will have his downfall, only then will the Moshiach come. In effect, the Torah predicts that there is going to be an epic battle which will continue throughout history between the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Yitzchak. When Sarah tells Abraham (Genesis 21:10), "Ga'raish et ha'ama ha'azot v'et b'nah," expel this handmaiden and her son, that is the beginning of this great battle.

Rabbi Frand underscores that only two nations in the world have names that are invested with the name of G-d--only Ishmael and Yisrael. Because he has G-d's name in his name, Ishmael feels that everything he does, no matter how evil or perverted, can be justified in the name of G-d.

Rabbi Frand points out additionally that Ishmael is armed with a potent weapon, a supreme weapon, that he can use to his advantage--the power of prayer. After all, Ishmael is born as a result of the power of prayer. The angels tell Hagar (Genesis 16:11), "Hee'nach harah v'ya'ladet ben," behold you are going to bear a child, "Kee sha'ma Hashem et ahn'yaich," for G-d has heard the cry of your travail. After the expulsion from Abraham's home, Ishmael himself is saved by the power of prayer. Genesis 21:17, "Kee sha'ma Elokim et kol ha'na'ar," G-d heard the cries of the child, the angel tells Hagar. That is why when Yitzchak meets Rebeccah, the Torah reports that he was returning from Be'er L'chai Ro'eeh, (Genesis 24:62) the well of the living G-d, the very well at which G-d appeared to Hagar. Yitzchak goes to Be'er L'chai Ro'eeh in order to neutralize Ishmael's prayer. The Pirkei D'rav Eliezer (an early Midrash composed about 100 C.E.) asks why Ishmael's name is constructed in the future tense, G-d will hear, rather than in the past tense? The Midrash suggests that the future tense implies that the cries of G-d's people who are suffering at the hand of Ishmael will be heard by G-d. "Yishmael," means that the prayers of the Jews will be heard and will be answered.

The hebrew meaning of the name Ishmael is "G-d has hearkened".

I just learned today {although I vaguely remember it from last years Yom Kippur services} that one of the ten martyrs who the Romans tortured and killed during the Roman invasion was Rabbi Ishmael. Rabbi Ishmael was flayed alive, at his last moments alive his tormentor asked him if he was a sorcerer because he seemed to feel no pain. He was deep in prayers and the torture was not affecting his spirit.

In addition to his many discussions on points of Jewish law and his interpretations of the Torah (the Halachah), he was also well versed in the Aggadah and Midrash. He is the author of the Halachic Midrash, the Mechilta on the Book of Shemoth, and many of his teachings, as well as those of his school, are to be found in the other Halachic Midrashim, the Sifra on Vayyikra, the Sifre on Bamidbar, and on Devarim, and throughout the Talmud. These teachings and sayings gave expression to his great love of his people, and show also the nobility of his character. He was one of several Sages that declared ."All Israelites are the sons of kings," impressing upon his brethren that although they are subjugated to the Roman idolworshippers, and are persecuted and down-trodden by them, the Jews are nevertheless "royal princes" and infinitely superior to their oppressors. Thus, he instilled faith and courage in his brethren and was a source of great comfort to them at a very critical time, when the cruel emperor Hadrian tried his utmost to stamp out the Jewish religion and faith.

Rabbi Ishmael was a great friend of the poor, and of poor marriageable girls who could not get married because they were poor. He was especially sorry for those who were sensitive or ashamed to beg, and he helped them greatly by the following teaching: It is written in the Torah, "You shall surely open your hand to your brother, to your poor, your needy, in your land." (Deut. 15 :11) . This, Rabbi Ishmael explained, means that if a man of good family is ashamed to ask for charity, it is our duty to "open" to him with words, saying, "My son, perhaps you need a loan?" This man would more readily accept, a "loan" which the giver should really treat as a gift.
Rabbi Ishmael knew well how powerful the Yetzer Hara (evil inclination) was. And so it was taught in the School of Rabbi Ishamel: "If this abomination (Yetzer) meets you, drag him to the Beth Hamidrash: if it is hard as stone, it will be crushed; if it is as hard as iron, it will be broken in pieces." In other words, the Torah and Mitzvoth are the only way to break down the evil inclination.

As already mentioned, Rabbi Ishmael was one of the Ten Martyrs who were put to death by the Romans. He faced death without fear. Both in his life and in death, and ever since, Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha has been an everlasting source of inspiration to our people; truly one of our greatest.

Concerning this provocation by the Ishmaelites I think that action must be taken. I know we, the members of JTF, have been trying to wake up the Israelis to the situation yet they continue to slumber through their slow, torturous execution. Why the most righteous ones have to suffer the most at the hands of the evil Israeli government is a question only Hashem knows the answer to. When will he send us a prophet like Isaiah or Ezekial? A man of such charisma and human power who could make the people see the angel of death standing before them.

Hashem sent Jonah to wake up the non-Jewish nation of Nineveh, even to the chagrin of the Prophet himself. Jonah did not want to go to Nineveh, yet Hashem knew better and he was sent to Nineveh to warn them. Nineveh did hearken to the voice of his prophet, and Nineveh was saved. Why cant we learn this lesson?

Sometimes I feel that the power is in my hands. That if only I could harness my true spiritual potential I could rise up and rebuke the people. Of course I am only muman and have muman limitations . But what I feel is strong, that I see the words before me and I know that they are right.

Just read this coming Shabbats Parasha, Haazinu. Moshes harsh rebuke of the Children of Israel. His words are poetic and very moving. I will quote just a bit in the hopes it will move someone, somewhere, somehow to come closer to the Almighty L-rd.

1 Give ear, ye heavens, and I will speak; and let the earth hear the words of my mouth.
2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew; as the small rain upon the tender grass, and as the showers upon the herb.
3 For I will proclaim the name of the LORD; ascribe ye greatness unto our G-d.
4 The Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice; a G-d of faithfulness and without iniquity, just and right is He.
5 Is corruption His? No; His children's is the blemish; a generation crooked and perverse.
6 Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise? is not He thy father that hath gotten thee? hath He not made thee, and established thee?
7 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations; ask thy father, and he will declare unto thee, thine elders, and they will tell thee.
8 When the Most High gave to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the children of men, He set the borders of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel.
9 For the portion of the LORD is His people, Jacob the lot of His inheritance.
10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste, a howling wilderness; He compassed him about, He cared for him, He kept him as the apple of His eye.
11 As an eagle that stirreth up her nest, hovereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her pinions--
12 The LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange G-d with Him.
13 He made him ride on the high places of the earth, and he did eat the fruitage of the field; and He made him to suck honey out of the crag, and oil out of the flinty rock;
14 Curd of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and he-goats, with the kidney-fat of wheat; and of the blood of the grape thou drankest foaming wine.
15 But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked--thou didst wax fat, thou didst grow thick, thou didst become gross--and he forsook G-d who made him, and contemptuous of the Rock of his salvation.
16 They roused Him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations did they provoke Him.
17 They sacrificed unto demons, no-gods, gods that they knew not, new gods that came up of late, which your fathers dreaded not.
18 Of the Rock that begot thee thou wast unmindful, and didst forget G-d that bore thee.
19 And the LORD saw, and spurned, because of the provoking of His sons and His daughters.
20 And He said: 'I will hide My face from them, I will see what their end shall be; for they are a generation of reversals , children in whom is no faithfulness.
21 They have roused Me to jealousy with a no-G-d; they have provoked Me with their vanities; and I will rouse them to jealousy with a no-people; I will provoke them with a vile nation.
22 For a fire is kindled in My nostril, and burneth unto the depths of the nether-world, and devoureth the earth with her produce, and setteth ablaze the foundations of the mountains.
23 I will heap evils upon them; I will spend Mine arrows upon them;
24 The wasting of hunger, and the devouring of the fiery bolt, and bitter destruction; and the teeth of beasts will I send upon them, with the venom of crawling things of the dust.

I want all Jews and all of Israel to wake up now from this slumber which is devouring our souls. There is still hope because Hashems promise is eternal. There is a remnant of Judah which still sings to Hashem the songs of love and closeness. I know that he hears our cries and this is why we must constantly bless the goodness which we receive. It has gotten harder in this political and economic crisis. I know that I was not able to give as much as I gave last year. But I still manage to give something. I want to give our Emmunah much more strength. Reading this forum each day, with so much negativity, is a drain on the soul. Sometimes I want to interject some hope and some light which we know drives away the darkness.

When we finish reading the Torah each year we have a saying:

Chazak! Chazak! Venischazeik! ( BE STRONG! BE STRONG! AND MAY WE BE STRENGTHENED! )

« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 03:14:41 AM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2008, 06:58:13 AM »
This is a good thing. Jews in Israel will begin to see the arab pigs as much lower then animals,they will realize something must be done about these swine.People in Israel 'proper' will see even the muzzies 'inside' Israel are subhuman it will turn a larger percent of young people against the arabs ,leftists and police.On to Jaffa and Haifa
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 07:38:45 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2008, 07:15:31 AM »'s time to capatalize on this with Hayamin Hamiti in this location.  Jews over there realize that arabs cannot live with them.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2008, 07:17:14 AM »
This is a good thing. Jews in Israel will begin to see the arab pigs as much lower then animals,they will realize something must be done about these swine.People in Israel proper will see even the muzzies inside Israel are subhuman it will turn a larger percent of young people against the arabs ,leftists and police.On to Jaffa and Haifa
I hope so mord because the situation is disgusting. How can people live in a country where they are under constant attack by a radical element of the population. The fact that the Arab element is inside of Israel or out makes little difference they are there to cause problems . Until the people off Israel decide to get aggressive with this part of the population and jail or deport it for the slightest infraction nothing will ever change. Someone posted a bunch of the Rav's speeches the other day and the first one spoke of this issue over 20 years ago. I think he would be sad that Israel is still struggling with the Arab population problem inside Israel today. 
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 11:01:21 AM by cjd »
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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2008, 07:21:12 AM »
I hope hayamin Hamiti capatlizes on this in Acco.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2008, 10:47:55 AM »
I hope hayamin Hamiti capatlizes on this in Acco.


We did a Hebrew video on this Arab Muslim Nazi pogrom in Acco last night as soon as we found out what happened:

We do respond quickly to events in Israel.

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2008, 10:51:46 AM »
Another example of Jewish settler violence against innocent Arabs.  >:(
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2008, 11:46:58 AM »
I hope hayamin Hamiti capatlizes on this in Acco.


We did a Hebrew video on this Arab Muslim Nazi pogrom in Acco last night as soon as we found out what happened:

We do respond quickly to events in Israel.

Very good. The people have to know what is the right way to deal with this evil quranimals.  :)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2008, 11:50:17 AM »
Another example of Jewish settler violence against innocent Arabs.  >:(

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Re: NEWS: Muslims rioted on Yom Kippur in Israel
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2008, 12:21:20 PM »
Four stars excellent great video
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03