Author Topic: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign  (Read 17819 times)

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #125 on: September 04, 2008, 06:32:59 PM »
Hey I am a dog lover! And ok, although not my cup of tea, I can imagine that some guys would be attracted to a miniature poodle, they are a wonderful breed. But c'mon people, dressing his poodle cutie-cutie and then dressing himself like a jerk for a photo cover of his memoirs?! Look guys, I've mentioned that I am a metrosexual and have a good idea of fashion - straight conservative guys don't dress like that and don't do that! Besides, he is a poseur and a hysteric.

To be perfectly honest, I don't think he is gay and am just making fun of this moronic, self-absorbed shyster - I still can't get over his slander of Sarah Palin and jerk-like, envious comment about Rudi's great speech.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2008, 06:53:46 PM by Manch »
Hayot Araviot Masrihot

Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #126 on: September 04, 2008, 08:51:29 PM »
I think the bottom line here is that Savage has exposed himself for what he is.  It's obvious that so many of us are disapointed in him, while others never trusted him from the get go.  We has members of JTF will do whatever it takes to elect McCain and Palin, and if Savage wants to support them or not means nothing.  We don't need him and neither do the two of them.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #127 on: September 05, 2008, 06:07:13 AM »
Many of Savage's radio brethren despise him.  Mark Levin, Michael Medved and even Hannity have knocked him. 
Levin is pretty good but the other two are frauds....absolutely and emphatically.  Establishment prostitutes...

It is too bad that McCain couldn't have chosen Curt Weldon......

Totally disagree.  Sarah Palin has enough scrutiny about that state trooper who was fired even though she is squeaky clean.  She came forward with allegations within her own party several times (you'll never hear that from the media) when there was corruption, so she's not a hypocrite at all. 

Curt Weldon had a major FBI probe, visited Libya and made false statements about Bin Laden being caught in 2006.  He was listed by CREW as one of the most corrupt politicians and had allegations about misuse of campaign funds and had an aide go to jail.  Plus he looks like an establishment guy on top of it. 

McCain needed someone who was as honest as him and not stained by politics as usual.  Say what you want about McCain but he has stayed away from corrupt corporations and bad money for most of his career. 

McCain also needed a blue collar conservative or a woman...he got both. 

Also, how can you say there's no difference between both parties. Of course there are major problems with the Republicans and McCain and Giuliani.  JTF actually campaigned against both men.  History doesn't matter as much as what the individual candidates say what they will do.  Look at Iran...the number one issue for Israel and all Jews as well as a major national security issue for America.  McCain wants immediate action and Obama wants to have a sit down with Ahmedinajad.  If abortion is an issue, do you want the most pro choice candidate of all time or a pro life candidate.  Obama also never saw an anti gun or anti business tax that he didn't like while in the State Senate of Illinois. 

Savage is like a guy on an island who is offered the choice between two different foods and just sulks and says how bad the preparation is, while the food rots. If he's voting for McCain then voice your opinion and leave it be.  There's not enough criticism from the left about McCain in the media for him?  He wants to add his voice too?  And to what end? 

I haven't heard one word about the protester terrorists from him.  We're 60 days away from the election...what will he accomplish by saying stuff about McCain now?  All it does is help Obama at this point. 

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #128 on: September 05, 2008, 06:08:31 AM »
It may well be photoshopped, or was fake but but she, in my opinion, probably looks very much like this photo in actuality considering the following:,0,246257.story

I must be missing something here.  Did you mean the photo looks like her or the fact that she's from Alaska?

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #129 on: September 05, 2008, 06:24:47 AM »
I know what you're saying it's just that Obama is such a disaster that not thinking right or left are different is wrong.  There are huge problems with McCain with Israel and fighting terrorism.  Still, Obama is an enemy of the United States and Israel who is a heartbeat away from becoming the president of the United States.  He is leading a neo-communist movement.  I don't think people have any idea what a disaster this will be for Israel if he is elected. Syria has pledged to hold off on talks until he is elected.  The Arabs, Obama and the Israeli Establishment will make a land giveway go through if he is president.  McCain won't have the support and alliance of the Arab world as Obama does so he will never be able to push through an agreement. The only reason Israel is as big as it is today is because Arafat was too greedy and thought he could get more.  They have learned from their mistakes and will except an Obama Administration agreement. 

Also, Obama will be an utter disaster on the economy of the USA.  He hasn't run an espresso stand and will be trying to enact massive tax policies on small and medium sized businesses and on middle class and wealthy Americans.  Instead of spurring investment, he will try to give massive refunds to people who don't pay taxes...which is called welfare.  He will drastically raise taxes on individuals earning more than 125,000 per year.  While this won't affect me, it will devastate the massive spending that people in those income brackets have.  The extremely wealthy won't be affected.  All people earning more than $125,000 will stop opening businesses and buying luxury items.  This will trickle down all the way to the bottom and the $500 he gives back to people earning $5000 yearly will not be able to save us.  The media will portray this all as great will see, we could reach 10% unemployment and they will blame it on Republicans and the evil corporations.  You won't hear anything about a worsening economy, even if we all really feel it every day.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2008, 06:28:41 AM by NorthWestJTF »

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #130 on: September 05, 2008, 06:42:09 AM »
I think Savage is such an egomaniac that he hates Palin because he didn't guess who McCain was going to pick. He also doesn't like a woman in a leadership role, for whatever reason.  Also, all of these radio show hosts criticize anything that's competition. Their listenership goes down if they don't play the convention speech on their own shows. 

Savage won't give JTF any attention because people may stop listenting to him and pay attention to JTF.  He criticized the Olympics because people weren't paying attention to him.  If people don't talk about him, he says horrible things about them just because they don't worship him like Obama is worshipped.  Just like Oreilly, who says that anyone who doesn't come on his show is afraid.  Or when he attacks the newspapers. It's not that he actually cares it's that it boosts his ratings and hurts any competitive medium for information. 
It's all about ratings for most of these guys because it's just another business.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Michael Savage Says Palin Should Remove Herself From Campaign
« Reply #131 on: September 05, 2008, 09:56:16 AM »
Probably photo-shopped for the Jewish and pro-Israel vote...  sure looks it anyway... 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.