Author Topic: Media bias against republican convention  (Read 1222 times)

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Media bias against republican convention
« on: September 09, 2008, 05:37:15 PM »
Been away for awhile, busy at work. I wanted to point out today some observations I made about the republican convention. The news media and Katie "Koran" Couric have presented the Democratic convention in glitz and glamor with touching family scenes with Obama and his little girls and with big talk about the past 8 years being crap. (never mind that the 8 years previous with Clinton, the fact we are at war, and the rat congress are mostly to blame. Especially Clinton and the Dems. Lets not forget the RINOS.) All the Democrats are bringing up how their policies of taxing and spending will make things all better again, that is exactly why we are in this trouble right now, Bush's tax cuts are getting ready to expire causing the market to have a hernia and the fact is that spending is at an all time high! Government has also grown bigger! That is why the past 8 years were drek! Bill Clinton could not even get away with doing what the Democrats and the RINO republicans have done. Its ridiculous! Now they want more!

Well the media ignored it and when the republican convention was televised it wasn't all glamorous and spectacular as I described the Dem convention in my last article. When Sarah Palin and others made their speeches I was thrilled but then I remembered how John Mccain flip flopped and his opposition to tighter borders and the first amendment. Once again I give thanks to God almighty for the Internet and independent media. (By Indy media I mean real objective media like freerepublic) as well as history to stand by. The fact is we may have to elect him anyway despite his massive short comings. I am very happy however for Sarah Palin and for her courage in confronting the smear attacks by the far left.

But perhaps the worst media bias I saw and what I had originally based this article on was what happened during hurricane Gustav. The republicans and several of their lobbyists were holding a decadent celebration in downtown Minneapolis. Pink Champagne, amuse bouche, and creamy deserts were all the scene as well as limos of corporate lobbyists. That's what I saw on the MSM as they asked why they were celebrating while poor minorities in New Orleans were dying.

The truth is that the celebration they were holding was a charity ball and that most of these rich folks came from all backgrounds donating not for the RNC but for the displaced victims of Gustav. Michael Moore tried the same stunt in his stupid movie when George W Bush went to the Al Smith Charity ball benefiting children's hospitals. Al Gore and Ted Kennedy were also there, but all we saw were rich white people in tuxedos and Bush saying how much they matter more to him. That... is why we need independent media not because Bush is in charge, but because the left wing corporate media distorts the facts to promote an agenda which brings me to my next point.

At the RNC convention we saw up close and personal the similarities between the ideologies of fascism and the far left. A group of anarchists called the RNC welcoming committee were planing to dump buckets of urine on people visiting the convention, they also planned to vandalize local storefronts and even kidnap delegates to the convention! This was not a peaceable assembly as protected under the Bill of Rights this was terrorism. They should be lucky that they are not considered such. That didn't stop leftist whiners like Amy Goodman of Democracy now, a taxpayer funded anti American anti Semitic radio show, and others from causing trouble and equating police officers with the gestapo. Apparently they are now also in trouble for suspicion of rioting. Don't know if it is true or not but no doubt the liberals will have sympathy for them and under public pressure will release them.

Meanwhile during the DNC convention in Denver, the Democrats rounded up the cities HUGE homeless population and tucked them away while setting up protest zones far away from the convention. We also forget how people like Michael Markavich of Repent America and Alex Jones from Infowars are constantly harassed and arrested by police. Markavich was even threatened with 11 years in prison while the gay activists obstructed his rights! The Gathering of Eagles also faced hardships during their counter demonstrations of left wing events but The MSM remains silent to the plight of liberty. Amy Goodman of Democracy Never gets arrested, the MSM throws a fit!

There were peaceful protesters but there were disruptor's. Some of them were even in the convention when McCain was there. Code Pink managed to sneak in and disrupt the speech. Didn't see any right wingers disrupt Obama's speech. If they did they would have been brutally treated maybe even branded racists and charged with a hate crime.

Amy Goodman and PBS shortly afterwords lectured how we needed independent media in this crucial age we live in. Of course to them any left wing anti American program or show that is funded with taxpayer funds is independent. We need objective media like that in Worldnetdaily, MRC, freerepublic and so on. Bloggers like us can also do our part to expose the real enemies and real crooks.