Author Topic: The Left is sacrificing our liberties for false security  (Read 1127 times)

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The Left is sacrificing our liberties for false security
« on: September 09, 2008, 05:38:17 PM »
The Roman Empire was founded a republic. The people had somewhat voice in the goings on in the Roman Senate. Although not perfect it provided some liberty to the people. But with massive militaristic expansion into Europe and North Africa along with a slave revolt lead by Spartacus, adding to this corruption ignorance and apathy, it lead the way for Julius Caesar to become its first emperor. From then on, Rome was lead by a series of despots, some wise, courageous and brilliant, others evil, decadent and incompetent. It happened because good men stood by and allowed the state to seize liberty under the banner of a more secure and powerful empire.

After world war I Germany became a republic under former General Hindenburg but crippling economic upheaval, inflation and foreign interference gave way to a dictatorship under Hitler and culminated in the extermination of entire races of people and those who spoke out.

Such are the catastrophic consequences whenever a society allows the state to take away its liberty for security. Neither is gained and both are lost, sometimes permanently. Now as then the threat is more and more obvious in this time when America is under attack from within and without. But let us ask the question...WHO IS REALLY TELLING US TO SURRENDER LIBERTY FOR SECURITY? Is it George W Bush and the Republicans? Is it Rush Limbaugh and the Right? Nope! Not them. For over half a century it has been the far left...

At best the so called right wing in America, what little left of it exists has been complacent about the loss of liberty and the threat of government especially now in this crucial time. The far left in America lead by Democrats is the real force behind the loss of freedom in America.

The founders put in place a bill of rights to defend against tyranny. The second amendment was designed to protect against property crimes and murder as well as to defend against tyranny. A government that fears its citizens will try to take away its guns. the main purpose of this amendment was for the people to overthrow the government when it becomes tyrannical, a time which we may be facing in the coming future. Democrats do not want the people to have any power over their own lives and destinies. They prefer a nanny state that has its long tentacles in our lives, minds and wallets. Democrats use gun control to disarm law abiding defenseless citizens in the name of security and reducing crime. Instead the opposite has happened. Crime in cities has gone up and the people are forced to rely on an overstretched and ineffective police force and even the police couldn't care about the cries of defenseless poor disarmed people.

The founding fathers gave us the first amendment for unrestricted publishing and distribution of news, information and ideas. The first amendment was specifically used to defend unpopular ideas and the majority might deem offensive but is in fact necessary and useful. The left, under the fear of offending and hurting the feelings of certain groups uses political correctness, hate speech laws and the Federal communications Commission to stifle free speech as they do in Europe. Meanwhile, Europe faces internal strife from Islamic radicals and white supremacists. France has criminalized anti Semites yet it is rampant in that nation. In Europe and Canada, it is illegal to deny the existence of the holocaust yet whenever men like David Irving or Eric Zundel face prosecution, they are lionized by Jew haters around the globe. At times this law is selective. the government usually turns a blind eye to hate speech against Caucasians and Christians as was the case of a radical mullah in Britain who was not prosecuted after calling for the killing of Christians and Jews.

Now we are told that we need independent media in light of 9/11. But thanks to liberals and the FCC that is hard to come by. The liberals want to regulate the Internet to stifle opinions. The liberals also try to shut down and hack any website that speaks out against them.

The founders believed that the least amount of government is best. They believed that government was incompetent and that its only function was to move out of the way and remain out of the way. They couldn't convince Democratic liberals of this who now use the heavy hand of government in everything from health care to wealth care. Government is involved in regulating the economy which decreases the number of jobs and affects production and innovation. Government is involved in education, our children are coming out stupid, ignorant and illiterate. They reject the brilliance of our founders as babble from rich white slave masters while embracing a failed and obsolete system that makes everyone poor oppressed slaves especially those of other races. The government decides whats in our own interest rather than leaving it up to we the people. Now its we the sheeple.

Long ago the family and the church were involved in aiding the poor the weak and the infirm as well as those with disability and wrong in the head. That was the social security our founders and our religions advocated. Instead we now have a bloated social security system that fails to do its job, denies benefits to those truly weak and gives to those who are not. Up until recently, the disabled were also herded into institutions and state schools where they were treated like criminals. Places like Metropolitan hospital, Willowreed, Walter Fernald, Napa state and Fergus falls were notorious for abusing and even killing its own patients. The state hospital system was nothing more than America's Gulag Archipelago. Many people were even wrongfully put there because of their beliefs or because they had abusive relatives. They were denied liberty and justice which made this possible. Today there are those, sadly many who claim to be conservative such as Mona Charen who want to bring this back.

Remember the war on poverty? When Lyndon Johnson started this failed socialist policy, the poverty rate was in fact going into decline. Since then it has skyrocketed. The government takes from those who work, denying them the fruits of their labor and giving it to worthless degenerate people who can work but refuse in the name of economic security and welfare. We no longer have welfare or economic security, just a bloated system of government that steals from the hard working and gives to the lazy.

We are told by liberals that the rich are evil and in the name of security put up systems that restrict small businesses, new jobs and crush the middle class while the rich keep lining their pockets. Ask yourself... Where to those Dems get all their funding from and how much do they make a year? HMMMMMM...

Its only now with a republican dominated government that liberals coin the famous phrase from Benjamin Franklin: Those who surrender liberty for security deserve neither.Yet a look at recent history shows that the liberals are to blame for why we have less freedom then our parents and grandparents. Habeus Corpus? Tell that to the girl in Leftist Germany who was involuntarily committed to an institution because she was home schooled and because she was a Christian! Liberals dominate psychiatry and are lobbying to have anyone who wont submit to their communist policies as mentally ill so that they can disarm them and incarcerate them in institutions like they used to do.

The left fawns over terrorists in Guantanamo Bay and over torture, what about detainment and torture in those liberal socialist utopias of Cambodia, China and Russia? What about students in public school in America who are tortured and detained 8 hours a day against the will of parents?

The Left claims that the government is keeping secrets and holding secret hearings. You mean the same government given to us by the left? How about the woman in Santa Rosa California that wonderful blue state who was placed under state guardianship under secret hearings because she had bipolar? The same woman who before that was working and living in her own home, who was no threat to anyone or herself and was detained in a mental hospital, physically assaulted, given toxic drugs that almost killed her and then placed in a group home not to mention others like her? Don't blame us Conservatives! We didn't do it!

There used to be a time where I wish Al Gore really won instead of Bush. The past eight years of hell would have been on HIS head and the media would have no one to really blame. After typing this article I'm glad he didn't win. Had this terrorist attack on 9/11 and on whose seventh anniversary we are approaching happened under a Democrat administration, we would be living George Orwell's worst nightmare. The only reason Democrats are complaining now is that they are not the ones in charge. If Barack Obama does take charge and if we have another democrat senate and congress, were doomed.

In a future article I will be discussing more about the Guantanamo detainees, how the left has used this incident to weaken us and the best solution to the controversy, one that should have been implemented a long time ago and is right in line with the constitution, the Geneva accord and best of all our own interests and security.

Comment: Alex Jones and Ron Paul Need to stop whining about Bush and loook who the real enemies are. They are a real threat as opposed to the republicans.