Author Topic: Decent Israeli Politician?  (Read 1070 times)

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Offline 2honest

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Decent Israeli Politician?
« on: September 05, 2008, 09:51:43 AM »
Just read the germany PI news blog and found an Israeli politician called Aryeh Eldad. He is going to organize a Conference about how to encounter the ongoing Jihad in Europe. From what I've seen on wikipedia he seems to be a right-minded person.

What do think of him and the Moledet party he's in?
Might he be someone to help Chaim in returning to Israel?

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Decent Israeli Politician?
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 10:06:21 AM »
He is probably the most right wing Knesset member. Unfortunately I don't think he would be interested to help Chaim or have anything to do with Kahanists. For example he called Itamar ben Gvir a shabak agent. There is too much competition for too few votes, so as a political realists his in interest is not to help us.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Decent Israeli Politician?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 02:57:11 AM »
Aryeh Eldad is so concerned about Europe, but why not try stopping Radical islam in ISRAEL first?!

This looks like pathetic political posturing to me..... and about kavod!

Offline LindaSoG

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Re: Decent Israeli Politician?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 07:08:42 AM »
Just read the germany PI news blog and found an Israeli politician called Aryeh Eldad. He is going to organize a Conference about how to encounter the ongoing Jihad in Europe. From what I've seen on wikipedia he seems to be a right-minded person.

What do think of him and the Moledet party he's in?
Might he be someone to help Chaim in returning to Israel?

Eldad is now the head of the HaTikva party which he formed last year, see

I have met Arieh Eldad, he is a good man, very strong in his beliefs and not afraid to speak out.  He is serious about the fight against islam and about the fight for Israel.  He does not just talk, he takes action.  I first became aware of him during the expulsion of Jews from Gaza, and during the destruction of Amona.  I believe he would be very good for Israel. 

To characterize his concern as being primarily for Europe and to accuse him of political posturing for this attempt to spread awareness of the threat of radical islam is disingenuous.  Take off the blinkers, radical islam is not just a problem in Israel, it is a global problem, and it does not help Israel that Europe is in denial about it. 

To get radical islam out of Israel would be wonderful, but if you think that will make the Jewish people safe from radical islam for even one minute, you had best think again.  Wherever moslems are, and they are everywhere, they will continue to seek ways and means to kill Jews, both inside Israel and out.  As long as radical islam exists, Jews will be killed.  If they are everywhere, we must fight them everywhere, including Europe.

If we are going to defeat radical islam, it must be defeated on a global basis, and before that can happen, it must be first recognized as a problem on a global basis.  As Eldad himself said, “I believe that it's time to look reality in the eye, not to lower our eyes, not to be afraid of the reality. As a physician, I can tell you that a patient who denies his disease is doomed.”

Europe is in denial about radical islam, they still believe that if the world was just a little nicer to the moslems, a little more tolerant, a little more accepting, a little more understanding, all would be well and we would live in peace, kumbaya.  It will just take a few more footbaths, a few more mosques, a few less Jews and the moderate moslem horde will let Europe live in peace.

It wouldn't hurt to wake them up to reality. 
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 07:12:34 AM by LindaSoG »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Decent Israeli Politician?
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 05:53:23 PM »
He's an ISRAELI politician.  He should affect change in the ISRAELI govt and ISRAELI system.  That he puts effort into Europe says something about his vision (lack thereof) for Israel.