I absolutely oppose. It is one part of another Establishment sham, in my opinion. One of the biggest goals of Communism, as laid out by Engles and Marx is the abolishment of private property. In essence the Government used tax payers money to "save" these corrupted businesses.
Since most, if not all, of the heads of these organizations are also very much members and closely affiliated with the Government and party complex they were protected where anyone else would have gone to jail.
By the government, in essence, "Nationalizing" these two companies the government owns their debts. Those that formerly owed money to these institutions now owe the government directly. This is Communism. If this happened in China, Cuba or any "red" nation, nothing would be said BUT for this to happen in America, heads should be rolling, there should be crowds of protest in the street and George Bush and the entire connected Establishment should be very fearful of criminal persecution, if not worse. Bush should be impeached for this....
This is a major undermining of your Constitution and will have drastic effects...