Author Topic: Italians who picked Africa as their vacation destination pay the ultimate price  (Read 3228 times)

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Offline azrom

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ROME, Italy (AP) — Three Italian women were brutally attacked while vacationing on a Cape Verde resort island, dragged into the woods, and left for dead at the bottom of a hole, according to the single survivor who recounted the tragedy on Saturday.

When she eventually came to, the teenager said, she crawled out of the hole and went for help. The two women with her, aged 28 and 33, had been stoned to death.

The story of the attack, which occurred Friday, has shocked Italians, many of whom consider the islands of the west coast of Africa to be a holiday paradise for beachgoers and windsurfers.

Italian Premier Romano Prodi said he was “stunned, aghast,” according to the Italian news agency Apcom, reporting from India where Prodi was on a government trip.

The Italian Foreign Ministry said the two women had been “barbarously murdered,” and dispatched a diplomat from its embassy in Dakar, Senegal, “to ensure that those responsible for this tragic aggression are brought swiftly to justice.”

The survivor — whom Italian news reports described as a 17-year-old named Agnese — suffered fractures and needed 18 stitches in her head, according to Italy’s honorary consul in Cape Verde, Luigi Zirpoli.


Cape Verde police chief Oscar Tavares said three local men had been arrested in connection with the murders and would soon appear in court, the Portuguese news agency Lusa reported. Tavares could not immediately reached for details.

Agnese spoke Saturday with Sky TG24 TV from the Cape Verde hospital, recounting how the she and the two other women had been invited to dinner by one of their attackers — a man who apparently had had a relationship with one of the victims.

She said the attackers sprayed them with some kind of “bothersome” spray, immobilized them and took them to the woods where a hole had been dug.

Then “he did what he did,” Agnese said, speaking in a stunned voice and apparently referring to a sexual attack. She said they were then pelted with stones, and then she blacked out. When she awoke, she climbed out of the hole and walked down a road until she found help.

"Negroes are a form of animal and it is against the will of God and nature to mate with such creatures. It is specifically forbidden in the Holy Bible. The Negro is still in the ape stage, actually a higher form of gorilla. They are retarded, 200,000 years behind the white race. They suffer from sickle-cell trait, a hereditary racial characteristic of negroes, and is found in no other race - Negroes have diseased blood". - Prof. Charles Carroll

Offline Trumpeldor

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If I ever wanted to go to Africa, I would simply go to New York City.

Offline cjd

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If I ever wanted to go to Africa, I would simply go to New York City.
Actually New York City is a relatively safe vacation destination now days. I hear tell Atlanta Georgia and Parts of Orlando Florida are far worse. In all honesty the problem comes in when white folks inject themselves into situations where they don't belong. When going to black populated countries its best to stick to the resort location and not cavort with the local population. It seems when white folks get off the beaten path in places like this they become fair game for black predators.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2007, 05:48:34 PM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline MasterWolf1

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I asked Chaim this last week why would anyone in their right mind go to Africa or Muslim countries to begin with for a vacation?? Why give countries like Egypt financial gain by traveling expense? And NY Has cleaned up but I noticed the years that Mike Bloomberg took office the negro beg fest in the subways returned.. The old pan handling harassment and increase of them begging for change for their drugs and alcohol.  And his lips surgically attached to the bottoms of some Negro families and the parade of beasts in Jamaica that the police shot a few months ago. Even though the policemens' lives were on the line by these mutants.

Offline fjack

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With the loss of Rudy the city is reverting back to the jungle of the 'men's room attendant' dunkin dave dinkins. When Rudy was a week or two in office, the nation of islam 'acted up' in mosque no. 7 in the slum of harlem. Rudy acted right away to handle this 'situation'. That cesspool they call a mosque was a 'hot spot' for the city police dept. This di not stop Rudy. When he did that little intervention that started to put a little fear into the black population. He then started with the beggers, the vile car window washers, subway fare jumpers and instilled a fear in them that hasn't been felt since the draft riots. When the leaving of Rudy, things are returning to chaos. Bloomberg believes that the blacks will support him for Pres. or maybe a future run for governor. He is sadly mistaken. It is only a matter of time before the nut job Charles Barron tales over and gives new meaning to "For whom the bells toll". I walked up 57 street the other day and it was a street vendors paradise. All the vendors there were from Senegal. It was sickening. These poor women that were brutalized in africa, should go a spread the words that wherever africans go, mayhem and social chaos follow.