Author Topic: A Paper I Wrote About A 1923 Publication About The Aftermath of The Civil War  (Read 2614 times)

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Warning: It is a college paper so I didn't include my own views which would be viewed as racist by the teacher. So I had to be politically correct in the paper. But I was honest by condemning the writer for praising the white Nazi KKK.

Abstract of The Reconstruction Period

Horne, Charles F. The Story of Our American People. U.S. History Publishing Co. New York: 1923.

The author is writing about the Reconstruction of the South following the Civil War and the repercussions it had on Constitutional law. He is critical of the way the Republican Congress dealt with the Reconstruction and the way it forced upon the South its solution to the “Negro problem”. He presents historical fact slanted towards his viewpoint to present his position.

The significance of this piece is that it teaches that at the time of its publication, historical writers wrote things about blacks that would not be accepted today in academic circles. In the age of politically correctness, his writings would be viewed as racist while in his time, it was the norm to write like that. He exposes his bigotry by saying that it was the Ku Klux Klan that had preserved Southern white culture.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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There has always been the same contempt for Jews among the majority population in the states which comprised the Confederacy, just as in the states of the northern Union.

In my opinion, and based on my personal experience, this prejudice continues to the present day, and its basis is found in the New Testament Gospel teachings. (no disrepect intended to our Christian members).

It is also true that Jews were active in the Confederacy at the highest executive level, and were "tolerated" as well as extended a certain level of begrudged "acceptance".

President of the C.S.A. Jefferson Davis absolutely forbade anyone to disparage the Jewish heritage or faith of Attorney General Judah Benjamin.

The Jew in the Deep South, while more often than not despised, is praised for stubbornly refusing to abandon their heritage and faith.

Southerners have always valued above anything else the traditions, heritage, and faith of their ancestors.

Today's Klan bears no kinship to the original organization founded during the aftermath of the Civil War by Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

Interesting footnote:  during the orignal Klan's heyday, approximately 500,000 "Night Riders" on horseback rode every night across the southlands to stop the overreaching policies of the Union "Restoration" from destroying the white civilization.  During that time, whites were forbidden from voting, and Washington was attempting to create a new "African" south; creating puppet negro governments and giving plantation lands to negroes.  Washington's policies failed; if for no other reason than the negroes were incapable of running a civilization.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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why did you have to do a rewrite ???
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"