Author Topic: Richard silverstein claims this guy threatend him let himtake it to court  (Read 558 times)

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 :laugh: they'll laugh him out of court           

Seva Brodsky is a militant pro-Israel hater, who’s become an expert at targeting divestment initiatives across the country against the Israeli Occupation.  He also appears to be a semi-professional provocateur who enjoys shreying about Muslims who allegedly threaten to kill him.  After reading this linked blog post, you get a clear idea that he’s a Jewish Chicken Little who sees it as his duty to try to provoke Muslims into treating him badly.  And if they don’t rise to the bait, Brodsky will do his bit to fill in the facts with his own “coloring.”

After I wrote about Initiative-97, he wrote some typical propaganda swill here which I addressed and refuted.

But what took Brodsky’s attacks out of the typical realm of right-wing snarkiness was that he made what I consider to be a potentially serious threat on my life.  Here’s a choice selection of his greatest hits:

1. Richard. Judenrat in action. Why do my people have so many sickos?

2. Richard, you can go and jump off the bridge…if you are hesitating whether to jump, I can assure you that you should — hell, I would even be willing to give you a push, should you be in need of it.

3. We have enough morons and self-loathing Jews (including you)…

4…You are a…thug.

4. I have to apologize to you for calling you a self-loathing Jew — Richard Silverstein, you are NOT a Jew. You may have been born into Jewish family, but that does not necessarily a Jew make.

You are a person of Jewish lineage, but certainly NOT a Jew. Moreover, you are an enemy of the Jewish people. The evil Torquemada, who went on to become The Grand Inquisitor of Spain, was a convert from Judaism — the grandest Capo of them all. You, of course, have not (yet) reached his stature, but you are still despicable.

Don’t ever let me meet you in person, you over-sensitive thug.

I am a proud Jew and no swinish lout like Brodsky will wrest that from me.  From his tone you can tell the kind of hateful Jew he is.  Unfortuanately, I have to share a religion with this despicable piece of dreck.

Do you get the impression this guy lives to brawl?  And that ideas aren’t important so much as the drama of hate and invective.  He actually reminds me quite a bit of the late and not lamented Meir Kahane.  He too was a brawler.  And it’s rich that Brodsky calls me a thug, who has never threatened any commenter in this blog in the way he has me.  This reminds me of the wife beater who accuses his spouse of assaulting him.  That’s the way of the bully.

My right-wing readers may scoff (not having ever been similarly threatened) and pass this off as the hyper-pugilistic rantings of someone who is perhaps a bit too passionate in defending his own odious version of the Israel and the Jewish people.  As for me, I take threats against me of any kind very seriously.  Even if they’re made by armchair thugs like this.  That’s why I’m writing this post.  The Brodsky bullies of the Jewish world will know they will get as good as they give from me.  So I put Brodsky on notice that I WILL report him to the Seattle Police Department should he write another comment containing any such threatening content.

More about Brodsky.  Apparently, he’s a fixture at Solomonia, a Pajamas Media right-wing blog, where he’s known quite aptly as the “Pest of Zion.”  From the description there, it appears he’s a semi-pro uber-Zionist provocateur of the Rachel Neuwirth-variety:

…Intrepid “Pest of Zion” Seva Brodsky showed up to check out the exhibit. What happened is that Seva was recognized, man-handled and thrown out of the exhibit by the very same folks who assaulted him at that pro-Hizballah rally back in July…

You can get a sense of how much of a Jewish extremist this one is by the title of a talk he proposed to give: The Unholy Trinity of strange bedfellows: Islamo-Fascists, Neo-Nazis, and left-wing radical extremists.

Dore Gold’s Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, another right-wing anti-Arab Israeli think tank, says this about Brodsky:

Seva Brodsky grew up in Moscow and immigrated to the United States in 1981. He received his BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Northeastern University in Boston, respectively. Brodsky was actively involved in the struggle against divestment in Somerville.

He also wrote a publication of some sort analyzing the Somerville anti-Occupation divestment initiative.

He also appears to be a Jewish favorite of Sean Hannity’s over at Fox NEWS (are we surprised?).  And Michele Malkin has been known to refer to him fondly.  He’s also attempted, along with his friends in the David Project, to be a scourge of Columbia University’s Middle Eastern studies program.

Brodsky claims to be treading the holy ground of Jerusalem though the Solomonia post above has him living in Boston in April, 2007.

There seems to be a certain personality type among Russian Jewish emigres who tend toward extreme Israeli nationalism and violent political attitudes.  It’s as if the chemical interaction between Soviet Communism and their version of Judaism has caused the most corrosive reaction possible.  Among those I’ve written about here are David Yerushalmi, Avigdor Lieberman and now Brodsky.  One could add Natan Sharansky, though he seems more of a political-intellectual thug than a physical one.

And to all my Jewish readers who understand this imprecation, I address it to Brodsky: Ymach shmo v’zichrono.  This curse is usually reserved by Jews for the Nazis, but it seems an appropriate reply to as revolting a Jew and human being as Seva Brodsky.

LOL he must be reading our forum
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03