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Sad and Disgusted
I love how he compares those of us whose ancestors immigrated to this country legally and worked their fingers to the bone to give their children an education to these third world hordes who are destroying this nation.
Our grandparents came to this country with the intention of getting jobs, raising families, and sharing in American values. Unfortunately, with the exception of Asians, the people who come here do not work, demand the government wipe their asses for them, and then call the ACLU when they don't get what they want. They have taken this country hostage.
And your moniker should be read as Asha-med because you sound like a jealous Muslim-Nazi.
Does Current Immigration Policy Doom American Jewry?
This blog is a must-read
You mentioned something worthy of expansion Jabo. The ACLU was formed by the British Fabian Society for the sole purpose of turning America into a Socialist State. The ACLU's aims are to subvert/undermine the American Constitution, promulgate Socialism and to provide legal protection to any Communists and/or Socialists who have been exposed. This in mind one can see plainly why the ACLU plays such a big role of defending the drek of society and "progressing" the collapse of America. PS: Tony Blair is a member of the Fabian Society along with H.G.Wells, Beatrice/Stanley Webb, Bernard Shaw and many others...
"As a Jew this website and this group as saddened me."
-Me too!...There are so few members...maybe it'll get better.
"Seeing racist doctrine being spewed out by "righteous" Jews or any Jew or any person is disgusting.
-I agree; JTF stands for Civil Rights -- that's exactly why we must work to stop Abe Foxman & the other Kikes like the American Jewish Committee; all of whom spew and promote racism and hate.
"When I read point 5 in the jtf's 7 point plan (reproduced below) I wanted to cry."
(POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America's millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas.)
-Of course you want to cry!
I cry every time I read the JTF Platform; just knowing that it is not yet implemented is most distressing!
"Have you forgotten that only two generations ago, we were immigrants to this country?"
-Huh?...What are you talking about?...My ancestor was the Attorney General of the Confederate States of America.
"Where does the jtf get the idea that it can ban immigration?"
-Same place that you get your idea that we can't ban immigration.
Israel's security is the responsibility of Israel ONLY...Only Israel can guaranty its own survival and viability.
The last thing Israel needs is handouts, foreign aid, and the "approval" of foreigners...what Israel NEEDS is to get off of its lazy, all-too-comfortable butt, and VANQUISH PERMANENTLY those who refuse to live in peace with Israel (and that includes all Muslims, as well as any other Arabs & self-hating Jew-kikes living within Israel.
"What is the point of the jtf?"
-I already told you: Peace & Civil Rights!
"What good does slander of politicians who have been dead for 20+ years serve?"
-The TRUTH will always out.
Not to mention the fact that speaking truth to the living, about DEAD EVIL POLITICIANS, accomplishes more than does celebrating MLK Day & Rabin Day.
"This group is nothing more than a hate group hiding behind the facade of people who love Judaism and Israel."
We can't be people who love Judaism and Israel, and simultaneously be hiding behind a facade of ourselves as a hate group!!! stupid or somethin'?
"You people will be the end of Judaism, not people who seek peace."
-Too late for that; those treasonous kikes Rabin, Peres, Netanyahu,
Sharon, & Olmert, along with the mentally ill & fraudulent American "Jewish Leadership", ended Judaism a long time ago.
-We don't want to be "people who 'seek' peace".
-We want to be remembered as the generation of Jews who MADE PEACE the old fashioned way; following Ha'Shem's orders to "take possession of the Land", "totally and completely annihilate our enemies", "make no treaty" with Amalek, and "destroy Amalek in every generation".
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