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Israeli Apartheid week---- >:(

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I attended a lecture at SOAS- school of oriental and African studies- on Monday. There are a whole series of the lectures this week and all revolve around the theme, "Israeli Apartheid week", carried out in Oxford, Cambridge etc......
It was organized by the so-called "Palestinian society", so the content would be fairly predictable....BUT what surprised me most of all was that THREE QUARTERS  of the lecture theatre- quite small, was filled with Israeli Jews and Jews in general. They all supported what the ISRAELI JEWISH speaker called Yitzak was saying about how Israel had no right to exist and that they are abusive to the Arabs, depriving them of water, homes etc
The Jews listening were strongly agreeing- shaking their head viciously- and shouting support for the speaker.
I reckon all the self-hating Jews in London were gathered there.
What do you think about this?

Those are called self hating kikes

Fruit of thy loins:
These particular Jews are looking for excuses to not go to Israel.   ;D

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Yeah, Sarah, sadly those audience members are representative of about 80% of world Jewry. I know as a (former) Muslim it is probably difficult for you to comprehend how a nation or race can be so perverse and twisted against itself, but that's what the whole Middle East conflict is about. The war is not Jews vs. Arabs, it's the self-despising Jewish majority vs. the Zionist minority.  :(

   The term "Apartheid" is so misused. Ok, there is one item. The right of return does not apply to non-Jews, but that is for good reason. Besides that, the Arabs and Muslims have seats in the house and receive a majority of the social benefits which are mostly collected from taxes against "Jews by merit". Meanwhile, neighboring Arab countries don't provide the same rights to non-arabs or non-muslims that Israel does. They don't even provide these rights to their own women. I'm not saying that the Israeli government is perfect because like everyone they have many flaws(most of which are against Jews), but if someone is genuinely against Apartheid, they should go against the worst violator and not the best case.

   On a side note:
   I mixed up religion and ethnicity in this response only because Arab muslims discriminate against non-arab mulsims. I want to point out that a Jew is a Jew regardless of ethnicity. I'm making up a new term "Jew by merit" to distinguish between those who choose to be Jewish by choice and those who are born Jewish but are not Jewish by choice. Please don't reply to this side note. I will create a new thread for this discussion.


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