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Ask JTF For March 18 Broadcast
hello chaim (finally got the spelling right,)
ok so well i dont know why you all dont get it, im not gay, but have many friend's who are. yes, and all but one are manogamous, and the one who isent is single and therefour with nobody! and all support israel.
ok so look, you say judiasm calls homosexuality an obamination but then why are there many ardaned rabbi's who are gay? we learned that last quarter in socio class. also many pastor's too.
second question you say its unnatural but, acording to kinsey reasearch in 1940's we learned about, ten persent of american's are gay, and 37 persent have had a same gender experiance. then thats not so rare at all. and no i never have but most of my good friend's are gay.
have a nice day. tonycali99
Alfred Kinsey was a sick man who used to stick various objects up his urethra. His studies were done using pedophiles and prostitutes, not your average citizen. So you're not going to change anyone's mind by quoting him on this forum. Dr. Judith Reisman wrote a whole book about what a weirdo Kinsey was.
One more thing.
Those gay rabbis you are referring to are most likely Reform rabbis, which is the farthest thing from authentic Judaism you can find.
Shalom Chaim, I do hope you and David are well and that you did manage to get on Dr. Stanley Monteith's Radio Liberty for your interview. Nothing psses me off more than hearing a talking head demand Israel give the Ancient Ones another terrorist State. Dr. Savage stated twice this evening, Tuesday, that Israel should give the Ancient Bolistinians a "PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi" State next to Israel. I had called in twice to debate him as I stated he was an ignoramus thinking he'd take my challenge seriously, but sadly his screener cut me off both times. My question is this. Might you openly on air on both your ASK JTF and on your Queens television show challenge Savage for a debate on the specific subjects of the pure fabrication and mythology of the "Balestinian" and this farcical agenda of awarding another (JORDAN being the first) "Balestinian" State?
I would very much like to hear you challenge Dr. Savage openly to debate this since he is a self acknowledged "master of debate" and a self proclaimed "genius". I feel that as a Jew, by him even entertaining this farce potentially gets Jews killed in the Middle East as it emboldens both the Jew Haters here, the Judenrot in Eretz and the Muslofascists which endangers JEWS. He is harmful to Israel and the Jewish people in my honest opinions. Yishar koach ve shalom brother.... MarZutra..
True Kahanist:
Dear Chaim,
Do you recommend a dating agency for finding a traditional - religious girl, or at least a girl that wants to become more religious?
Would you be in favour of wiping England off the planet as they deserve it?
Toda achi
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