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Jew by merit. Looking for a good term to use.

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This is a side note that I wrote on another thread. Please feel free to repsond to it here.

"   On a side note:
   I mixed up religion and ethnicity in this response only because Arab muslims discriminate against non-arab mulsims. I want to point out that a Jew is a Jew regardless of ethnicity. I'm making up a new term "Jew by merit" to distinguish between those who choose to be Jewish by choice and those who are born Jewish but are not Jewish by choice. Please don't reply to this side note. I will create a new thread for this discussion. "

   I thought about using "Jew in good standing" but that implies someone else's choice like that of a rabbi and can get very political. I thought about "Jew by choice" but hashem chooses for all Jews to be Jewish whether they want to or not. Some people might also choose to say they are Jewish by ethnicity but not practice the religion. I disagree with a religion being an ethnicity. Even though some religions might not accept certain ethnicities, Judiasm is not one of them.

I like the term coined by Sha'i ben-Tekoa of Deprogramming Program:
"Jewish anti-Jews"

I highly encourage JTFers to subscribe to his show - it's WELL worth the price!

I have lots of clips on my audios page (look for DPP):


--- Quote from: SoldierOfZion on February 14, 2007, 10:01:36 AM ---I like the term coined by Sha'i ben-Tekoa of Deprogramming Program:
"Jewish anti-Jews"

I highly encourage JTFers to subscribe to his show - it's WELL worth the price!

I have lots of clips on my audios page (look for DPP):

--- End quote ---

Here are a couple examples of his use of the term:

Jewish anti-Jews write for Haaretz

Madeline Albright - anti-Jew Jewess

Fruit of thy loins:
Many old Almanacs, encyclopedias and other sources of mainstream information right up until the 1960s continued to refer to the Jews as a ‘race’.  This tendency in the ‘West’ only disappeared after the Civil Rights movement.  Some Rabbis have in common with Nazis a belief that Jews are not white.  Being ‘white’ is overwhelmingly a social and cultural thing.  ‘White’ people who don’t act white are routinely ostracized from ‘white’ company, thus the origin of such phrases as ‘you’re a waste of skin’ or the more explicit ‘some people don’t deserve to be white’.

Nowadays we even see suave, sophisticated blacks being called ‘white’.  White women accept these men into their company and make them part of the white, socially-constructed community.

A person who is not born a Jew can only be a ‘Jew’ in the sense that his adopted community make him one, because he was not born one, and never can really become one in the biological sense.  Although my Stone Edition Tanakh informs me that raison d’etre of the Jewish people, the cornerstone of their nationhood, is the Torah: so anyone has the potential to become a second-rate proselyte.

So the term "Jewish" is a race not just a religion?
Does this mean that a person who believes in christianity, can still be a Jew because of their biological jewish race passed on by blood.
This is very interesting.


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