Newsmax has emailed me that a senior aide of VP Cheney says Bush may not support a Strike on Iran.....Bush has been ridiculed and beat up by the press, and the media, because he stood strong against terrorists in Iraq....He did the right thing, but leaving office, may curtail him in getting invovled in more conflicts....
I am happy to say Sarah Palin is strongly pro-Israel, and I take her at her word. She is very honest in her statements and convictions, and understands foreign policy issues more than the left is willing to give her credit for......If the world does nothing, the terrorist Ahmadinejad will acquire nuclear weapons....Can the nations of the world afford to take a chance on annihilation, and especially Israel who is in Iran's sites?

Does anyone really think that Obama (who is all rhetoric) will pledge total support to Israel? This is the huge question of vital importance.....It is right up there with the Oil crisis......and the open border issues, which are all about National security.
I hope people realize that a nuclear armed Iran, threatens all of mankind...