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I am addicted to the JTF forum

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Fruit of thy loins:
This is a substitute for real life.  The internet is a gift from G-d to weak and needy people like me.  With the internet, G-d has multiplied knowledge and prosperity on the earth.  This is His smooth consolation for the fact that I was born into the 'forsaken generation'.  His mercies are abounding in love; they multiply upon the face of the earth like flowers in the grass and leaves on the trees of spring.

Now I pray, oh G-d, take me away from here, even as the day alights from the ground and recedes into dark, take me away from this world and implant me in a tomb in the next.

Fruit writes:  "...Now I pray, oh G-d, take me away from here, even as the day alights from the ground and recedes into dark, take me away from this world and implant me in a tomb in the next..."

Don't do it, fruit!
You might leave this world, and then suddenly wake up reborn as a negro in Bakumba Land, hungry for a nice fresh boiled whole rat wrapped in a piece of greasy paper.


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on February 14, 2007, 11:21:26 PM ---Fruit writes:  "...Now I pray, oh G-d, take me away from here, even as the day alights from the ground and recedes into dark, take me away from this world and implant me in a tomb in the next..."

Don't do it, fruit!
You might leave this world, and then suddenly wake up reborn as a negro in Bakumba Land, hungry for a nice fresh boiled whole rat wrapped in a piece of greasy paper.

--- End quote ---

You know a lot of people on this forum are hilarious. Maybe that's we are attracting new people all the time.


--- Quote from: MassuhDGoodName on February 14, 2007, 11:21:26 PM ---Fruit writes:  "...Now I pray, oh G-d, take me away from here, even as the day alights from the ground and recedes into dark, take me away from this world and implant me in a tomb in the next..."

Don't do it, fruit!
You might leave this world, and then suddenly wake up reborn as a negro in Bakumba Land, hungry for a nice fresh boiled whole rat wrapped in a piece of greasy paper.

--- End quote ---

I'll grade that a 613 out of a possible 613. Well done.

Fruit of thy loins:
Call in the angels who are executors, scribes, and witnesses, and present them before me: forasmuch as this minute, of this day, of this year, in this epoch of the World, I officially announce that I reject this World: all of the evil doings therein, and all the generations which have come, which are, and which must be: theirs are labours lost in futility.

I announce this day with a manic grin on my face and trembling members that the blonde woman seeks above all else inter-racial sex: this is a farce, and all the white women around me are the jokers in this cosmic debacle.  Their smiles bear witness to their evil.

I see into all their hearts.  Their toes, and their cigarettes, and their propensity to eat chocolate and suck things, makes not one jot of difference to me: they the fruits of abomination, they are devils wrapped up in silky dresses, and they have made me mad.

I reject this world!


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