The U.N. is just the western wing of the Arab League, and we need to remove both ourselves and our funding from that group of terror-supporting throwbacks.
We need more like Tancredo.
And don't forget about the Obama 'World Poverty Act' atrocity.
Obama went overseas to promise the “people of the world” that he would end the divide between rich and poor nations, and said, “people of the world, this is our moment, this is our time.”
Obama is running for a hostile takeover of the US on behalf of the anti-American international community. His plan is quite plainly to rape and pillage America’s wealth, and redistribute it to the rest of the world. His speech was brazenly candid about this.
He has already put forth this very plan in the S.2433 Global Poverty Act of 2007, which he authored in the Senate.
This bill, in fact will stick the U.S for 845 BILLION dollars.
Thats $2500 dollars for every man, woman and child in America.
That's in addition to the BILLIONS we already funnel into third world countries who hate us. It's coming up for vote, and I urge all to contact their representatives to stop this Obama atrocity.