Author Topic: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.  (Read 5252 times)

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Offline rob shepherd

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UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« on: September 05, 2008, 01:27:08 PM »
This is rather disconcerting.  This is a major threat to Jtf as we know and love it today.  This in my opinion is an attempt by the Islamos/Nazis/vermin to take over the UN.  They are demanding that an international law be passed banning criticisim of religion, primarily Islam/Nazism.  This has to be stopped and stopped soon.  Get in touch with your Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen and let them know what is going on.  The article is from a bulletin posted in Myspace.  Here it is in it's entirety.

The National Secular Society, together with the International Humanist and Ethical Union, has been working over the past year to try to raise the alarm about the concerted efforts by Islamic groups to write blasphemy laws into international human rights legislation.

Our efforts seem to be paying off, as other countries and organisations begin to appreciate the profound dangers to free speech posed by proposals from the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

The OIC has sponsored a resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council entitled “Combating Defamation of Religion.” It has been approved by the UNHRC every year since 2005, and is coming up for renewal in the next couple of months.

But at last the United States and various human rights organisations have woken up to the fact that the OIC resolution is actually an attempt to make “defamation of religion” (and in particular Islam) into an international offence. “Defamation of religion” is a wide ranging concept and can be used to silence any criticism of Islam.

Now U.S. officials have said they hope to persuade “moderate Muslim nations” — among them Senegal, Mali, Nigeria and Indonesia — to reject the measure, which so far lacks the force of law but has provided diplomatic cover for regimes that repress critical speech. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.

Religious rights groups say other U.N. measures, including statements by the Human Rights Council in Geneva, replicate the language of the resolution.

“Before, it was one resolution with no impact and no implementation,” said Felice Gaer, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan federal body that investigates abuses and proposes policies to advance freedom of thought, conscience and religion. “Now we are seeing a clear attempt by OIC countries to mainstream the concept and insert it into just about every other topic they can,” Miss Gaer said. “They are turning freedom of expression into restriction of expression.

European governments are also concerned. The European Centre for Law and Justice filed a brief with the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights in June warning that such anti-defamation resolutions “are in direct violation of international law concerning the rights to freedom of religion and expression.

U.S. officials working on human rights said the resolutions are being used to justify harsh blasphemy laws in countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and Afghanistan.

The American and European governments warn that the resolution — which specifically mentions Islam but no other religions — is “an Orwellian text” that has been used to shut down free speech.

The resolution “replaces the existing objective criterion of limitations on speech where there is an intent to incite hatred or violence against religious believers with a subjective criterion that considers whether the religion or its believers feel offended by the speech,” said the brief by the European Centre for Law and Justice. “In cases we’ve monitored, it’s minority religions — Christians, Baha’i, and non-conforming Muslims” — who are most at risk, Miss Gaer said. “People who want to interpret their religion differently than some of the more orthodox clerics would.

“This [language] destabilises the whole human rights system,” said Angela Wu, international law director for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a public interest law firm in Washington. “It empowers the state rather than individual, and protects ideas rather than the person who holds them.

Keith Porteous Wood, Executive Director of the NSS, who has been particularly active in raising awareness in international forums of the dangers of the OIC resolution, said: “It is gratifying that others are at last taking on board the dire threat the OIC proposals pose to free expression. If they are approved and gain some kind of legal credence, we can expect to see prosecutions for blasphemy (or “defamation of religions” as it will be called) all over the world. The Islamist desire to stop all open discussion of Islam will have been achieved.

See also: Stifling free speech — globally
Blasphemy at the United Nations]Blasphemy at the United Nations
How the UN is helping Islamists kill free speech

« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 11:07:13 PM by דוד בן זאב אריה »
Rob Shepherd, proud AMERICAN infidel

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2008, 03:01:46 PM »
This is rather disconcerting.  This is a major threat to JFT as we know and love it today.  This in my opinion is an attempt by the Islamos/Nazis/vermin to take over the UN.  They are demanding that an international law be passed banning criticisim of religion, primarily Islam/Nazism.  This has to be stopped and stopped soon.  Get in touch with your Senators and Congressmen and Congresswomen and let them know what is going on.  The article is from a bulletin posted in Myspace.  Here it is in it's entirety.

The National Secular Society, together with the International Humanist and Ethical Union, has been working over the past year to try to raise the alarm about the concerted efforts by Islamic groups to write blasphemy laws into international human rights legislation.

Our efforts seem to be paying off, as other countries and organisations begin to appreciate the profound dangers to free speech posed by proposals from the 57-member Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC).

The OIC has sponsored a resolution at the United Nations Human Rights Council entitled “Combating Defamation of Religion.” It has been approved by the UNHRC every year since 2005, and is coming up for renewal in the next couple of months.

But at last the United States and various human rights organisations have woken up to the fact that the OIC resolution is actually an attempt to make “defamation of religion” (and in particular Islam) into an international offence. “Defamation of religion” is a wide ranging concept and can be used to silence any criticism of Islam.

Now U.S. officials have said they hope to persuade “moderate Muslim nations” — among them Senegal, Mali, Nigeria and Indonesia — to reject the measure, which so far lacks the force of law but has provided diplomatic cover for regimes that repress critical speech. The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.

Religious rights groups say other U.N. measures, including statements by the Human Rights Council in Geneva, replicate the language of the resolution.

“Before, it was one resolution with no impact and no implementation,” said Felice Gaer, chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan federal body that investigates abuses and proposes policies to advance freedom of thought, conscience and religion. “Now we are seeing a clear attempt by OIC countries to mainstream the concept and insert it into just about every other topic they can,” Miss Gaer said. “They are turning freedom of expression into restriction of expression.

European governments are also concerned. The European Centre for Law and Justice filed a brief with the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights in June warning that such anti-defamation resolutions “are in direct violation of international law concerning the rights to freedom of religion and expression.

U.S. officials working on human rights said the resolutions are being used to justify harsh blasphemy laws in countries such as Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan and Afghanistan.

The American and European governments warn that the resolution — which specifically mentions Islam but no other religions — is “an Orwellian text” that has been used to shut down free speech.

The resolution “replaces the existing objective criterion of limitations on speech where there is an intent to incite hatred or violence against religious believers with a subjective criterion that considers whether the religion or its believers feel offended by the speech,” said the brief by the European Centre for Law and Justice. “In cases we’ve monitored, it’s minority religions — Christians, Baha’i, and non-conforming Muslims” — who are most at risk, Miss Gaer said. “People who want to interpret their religion differently than some of the more orthodox clerics would.

“This [language] destabilises the whole human rights system,” said Angela Wu, international law director for the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a public interest law firm in Washington. “It empowers the state rather than individual, and protects ideas rather than the person who holds them.

Keith Porteous Wood, Executive Director of the NSS, who has been particularly active in raising awareness in international forums of the dangers of the OIC resolution, said: “It is gratifying that others are at last taking on board the dire threat the OIC proposals pose to free expression. If they are approved and gain some kind of legal credence, we can expect to see prosecutions for blasphemy (or “defamation of religions” as it will be called) all over the world. The Islamist desire to stop all open discussion of Islam will have been achieved.

See also: Stifling free speech — globally
Blasphemy at the United Nations]Blasphemy at the United Nations
How the UN is helping Islamists kill free speech

Hello Ralph, I heard about this. Muslims want to silence people and this is one of their steps to taking over the world. Muslims figure if they strip people of their rights to criticize, then less people will be able to point out Islam's goal of World dominance thus making it ( easier ) for them to take over. While Muslims love fighting, they are lazy animals who would prefer ( ease ) in defeating the enemy. Muslims are extremely tricky too, if they cannot win one way, they come up with alternatives, supression of free speech being one of those.

Offline JohnWilliams

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2008, 06:36:17 PM »
Islam cannot stand the light of the truth. That's why the penalty for apostasy, or coming into the light of the truth, is death. When Indonesia was just 50% Muslim, bibles were banned. They still rush through bookstores and confiscate any religious literature that does not promote Islam.

As Canada secularized they passed the same kind of "hate crimes" bill that passed the House here in the U.S., and likely passed the senate. The result is giving voice to Islam while not allowing voices against Islam.

Death for "apostasy" is in Canada too:

In Canada pastors are jailed for preaching the portions of the Word of G-d that prohibit homosexuality, but Islam is given free reign. In Detroit Michigan, against local noise ordanances, the call to prayer is allowed to blare into a neighborhood that is just majority Muslim.
What city council member is going to go up against Islam?

The Saudi Wahabis spend over 10 billion dollars per year in the U.S. setting up Islamic centers and mosques. Particularly propagandizing on university campuses.
What city council member is going to go up against Islam?

The Saudi Wahabis spend over 10 billion dollars per year in the U.S. setting up Islamic centers and mosques. Particularly propagandizing on university campuses.

Here is what G.J.O. Moshay wrote in his "Who is This Allah":

""Oh you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as 'Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers etc.), they are but 'Auliya' to one another.  And if any amongst you takes them as 'Auliya' then surely he is one of them.  Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers and unjust)" (Surah 5:51 Al Hilali, Verse 54, Yusuf Ali).

In other words, any Muslim who becomes a Christian or even befriends a Christian leaves the leadership and control of Allah.

So, all Islamic leaders who come to British and American Church leaders for inter-faith co-operation are either defying the instructions of Allah or they have a hidden agenda.  The Islam of the 7th century AD is the same today, probably under new guises as the situation demands.  It is the same tactic of "No compulsion in religion" that Mohammed first adapted to Christians and Jews, that Muslims are using in the Western world today.  Migrate to Christian areas because they are tolerant.  Pretend to be peaceful, friendly and hospitable; begin to clamor for religious, political and social rights and privileges that you will not allow to Christians in an Islamic country; breed fast there and settle down; there should be no Christian activities in your community; you may speak or write to discredit their religion, but they must not talk about Islam; begin to expand your community; Christian activities should be restricted in all the places you expand to; the moment you have enough military might against these 'disbelievers', these Trinitarian kaferis, go ahead and eliminate them or suppress them as much as you can, and be in control.  Where immediate invasion is not possible, that has always been the policy.

There are so many incitements against Christians and non-Muslims running through the pages of the Quran that we find it hard to believe that anybody can be a real practicing Muslim now or then and not hate Christians.  It is impossible.  Any Muslim who is not violent (secretly or openly) is hardly a real Muslim, at least not in  the Quranic sense.  It means he has not got the spirit of Islam.  A typical practicing Muslim must be violent, especially if he expects to get any reward in the in the Muslim heaven: 

"Let those who fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other.  Who fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward ... Hast thou not seen those unto whom it was said:  Withold your hands, establish worship and pay the poor-due, but when fighting was prescribed for them behold!  a party of them fear mankind even as their fear of Allah or with greater fear," (Surah 4:74,77 Picthall).""
« Last Edit: September 07, 2008, 07:08:03 PM by JohnWilliams »
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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2008, 10:18:51 PM »
Aleinu l'hitpaleil/We must pray.

When in New York City recently, I went to Starbucks (for a coffee [with Splenda]). Mussies walked in, saw the kippa, and walked out.   

The "HLF", the so-called "Holy Land Foundation" (which is chilul Ha Shem/blasphemy against G-d), will be on trial in Federal Court soon and the prosecutors and judge are not backing down (this is a re-trial). It was outlawed by Israel in 1996. Those on trial are Hamas puppets and the brother of Meshal is collaborator. It gave $57 million to the terrorist enemy starting in 1989. Baruch Ha Shem, it no longer exists.

The case resulted from the senseless murder of David Boim (a citizen of the U.S. and Israel), 17-year-old son of Stanley and Joyce Boim, in the West Bank by ha muslimim ha natsim. This case will set a precedent.
If you you want to wade through this to see the status, here are some webpages:

I'm planning to go to the courthouse to pray when the trial starts. May the verdict be a conviction, with the most punitive sentence possible.

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2008, 12:29:15 AM »
I for one, am not in the least surprised by this notion. The UriNations are Arab run and Arab sympathetic. >:(

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 02:27:14 PM »
I for one, am not in the least surprised by this notion. The UriNations are Arab run and Arab sympathetic. >:(

Shalom Nopeace, do you see a day when the Muslims will be defeated?

                                                                                Shalom from Dox

P.S. I hope you and your family will be ok with the upcoming hurricaines.

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2008, 03:14:27 PM »
I for one, am not in the least surprised by this notion. The UriNations are Arab run and Arab sympathetic. >:(

Shalom Nopeace, do you see a day when the Muslims will be defeated?

                                                                                Shalom from Dox

P.S. I hope you and your family will be ok with the upcoming hurricaines.

Shalom Dox! First of all, us Floridians look like we have good news as Ike is veering west. I appreciate your wishes though. O0

In answer to you question: As long as the US and Israel are weak in the knees towards Arabs, my answer is not in the near future. What we need is a revitalization in conservativism with another Reagan in the White House and another LIKE Kahane in Israel. THAT will be our salvation IMO.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2008, 04:31:27 PM »
I for one, am not in the least surprised by this notion. The UriNations are Arab run and Arab sympathetic. >:(

Shalom Nopeace, do you see a day when the Muslims will be defeated?

                                                                                Shalom from Dox

P.S. I hope you and your family will be ok with the upcoming hurricaines.

Shalom Dox! First of all, us Floridians look like we have good news as Ike is veering west. I appreciate your wishes though. O0

In answer to you question: As long as the US and Israel are weak in the knees towards Arabs, my answer is not in the near future. What we need is a revitalization in conservativism with another Reagan in the White House and another LIKE Kahane in Israel. THAT will be our salvation IMO.

Great News, I am glad Ike is going away from Florida. You all have had enough to deal with. I hope McCain and Palin are tough when they get into the White House. I hope for a (CHANGE ) lol that McCain and Palin throw political correctness away to straighten out this mess the Socialist's put us in. I have a good feeling about this election, I hope I am right.

                                                                             Shalom from Dox    :)
P.S. Have a great day!

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2008, 05:43:34 PM »

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #10 on: September 24, 2008, 11:02:05 AM »
The Useless nations or United Nothings have done none of the things they were organized to do...promote freedom, stand against terrorism, and apartide.  Many churches in the United States are now giving special conferences to alert Christians, to not fall for the ploy of becoming muslim, or that it is a religion of peace.....

I say forwarned is forarmed and it pays to know the slightest details concerning changes going on in the US....Everybody should beware and read up, study, know the true facts about Islam.


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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2008, 12:09:32 AM »
Great is the fear of God; through him the world turns.
He established the mighty plains, the face of the earth and the sky above.
Foolish is he who fears not his Lord: death catches him unprepared.
Blessed is the humble man: mercy comes to him from heaven.
God gave man a soul because he trusts in His strength.

-From the Anglo-Saxon poem, "The Seafarer"

Offline rob shepherd

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2008, 08:27:06 PM »
It can be found in their minutes.
Rob Shepherd, proud AMERICAN infidel

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #13 on: November 02, 2008, 08:09:56 AM »
United Nations will soon be deciding American foreign policy if (God Forbid) Barack Hussein Obama takes the White House
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: UN (Usless Nations) proposes law banning criticism of Islam.
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2008, 08:39:49 PM »
soon they will make Ramadan public holiday- >:(