I have a neighbor down the street who is a Democrat, and who had a Hillary lawn sign during the primary. Then, after Obama won, they took it down and nothing went up in its place for the longest time.
Then, a few days ago, I went outside and saw FOUR McCain-Palin signs on their lawn. FOUR! Hell, I only have TWO, and I'm the freakin' Republican!
Now this evening, we went outside and saw the neighbor two doors down from him with this most freakingly HUGE McCain-Palin lawn sign, the thing is 5 feet high and 8 feet wide! And the neighbor on the other side of him says they're putting one up just like it tomorrow!

I don't know what the heck is going on all of a sudden, but it looks like "Bubba" is waking up from a slumber of several months.

Meanwhile, in other news: