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What happned to yephora ?

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
What then is your faith, Lisa?

I don't know that I would be comfortable w/emailing Yephora... I never spoke to her. BTW what happened to Gruzini? Wasn't that poster a woman?

Chaimfan, I'm Jewish, but not all that observant. 

Yephora is one tough cookie. Not too mention she's incredibly eloquent and smart. I hope she comes back!!!

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
I didn't particularly think he was Jewish, I figured he was Anglican or whatever it is most Britons are born into. It doesn't matter, it was insensitive and inappropriate.

When you say that Christians teach that sex is wrong even in marriage, you primarily are referring to Catholics. Most Protestants, at least nowadays, do not teach anything like that.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Yeah, he doesn't strike me as all that pious in any way. Why is he a JTF member? Does he even support Israel at all?


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