Well, its my first initial bumped up against my last name and the # 613 which represents the # of mitzvot given to us in Torah. It makes sense to me

Michael, the angel of benevolence, sits to the right of Hashems throne.
From Wikipedia:
According to rabbinic Jewish tradition, Michael acted as the advocate of Israel, and sometimes had to fight with the princes of the other nations (cf. Daniel 10:13) and particularly with the angel Samael, Israel's accuser. Michael's enmity with Samael dates from the time when the latter was thrown down from heaven. Samael took hold of the wings of Michael, whom he wished to bring down with him in his fall; but Michael was saved by G-d (Midrash Pirke R. El. xxvi.).
The rabbis declare that Michael entered upon his role of defender at the time of the biblical patriarchs. Thus, according to Rabbi Eliezer ben Jacob, it was Michael who rescued Abraham from the furnace into which he had been thrown by Nimrod (Midrash Genesis Rabbah xliv. 16). It was Michael, the "one that had escaped" (Genesis 14:13), who told Abraham that Lot had been taken captive (Midrash Pirke R. El.), and who protected Sarah from being defiled by Abimelech. He announced to Sarah that she would bear a son and he rescued Lot at the destruction of Sodom (Talmud B. M. 86b).
It is said that Michael prevented Isaac from being sacrificed by his father by substituting a ram in his place, and saved Jacob, while yet in his mother's womb, from being killed by Samael (Midr. Abkir, in Yalḳ., Gen. 110). Later Michael prevented Laban from harming Jacob (Pirke R. El. xxxvi.). According to one source, it was Michael who wrestled with Jacob and who afterward blessed him (Targum pseudo-Jonathan to Genesis xxxii. 25; Pirke R. El. xxxvii.).
A poem I wrote late this morning:
Many adversaries rise to fight me
In Olam Hazeh as well as Olam Haba
Can they triumph against the righteous?
Have faith that the wicked will be punished
A judgement has been cast in Shamayim
Evil will be defeated in the end
Love of Hashem will be established
Until the end has come we tremble
Hashem is One
Most have fear on Judgement day
His name is One
Against the wicked I have battled
Hakodesh Baruch Hu
Never will I tire of the struggle