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This week's Ask JTF (English)

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Fruit of thy loins:
I loved it.  I couldn't believe that was two hours.  Every time I listen to the show now I am always thinking 'is that it?' by the end.  Are you sure it is not just twenty minutes?  Yes, it is really two hours.

I have to say though, as I continue to descend into the abyss, I no longer share very much of Chaim's enthusiasm for things.

Try listening to music. The following song is generally very good at cheering people up when they are depressed:

Fruit of thy loins:
Thank you ftf.  I've always liked Coldplay.  Their music was a salvation to me a few years ago back in my second year of uni.  A young brunette I was living with lent me the music, as she was a compassionate soul.  :)

Maybe this is why I see so many young people going about their daily business listening to music on headphones.  When I walk about I feel terribly anxious all the time, but if I had music on I'd worry about absentmindedly walking out in front of a bus or some-such.

My salvation in 2004 was Coldplay ... in 2005 it was Friedrich Nietzsche ... in 2006 it was the Torah ... this year I think I will end up homeless and insane.

If music doesn't help you feel better, try taking up a sport, I personally practice a martial art called Judo, and it's great fun.


I'm in the middle of the show now, its the first time i've heard him speak. He sounds strong and well spoken, the time does go quickly regardless of the show, the world has become so preoccupied with complications and activities. Time is a philosophy that amazes me. I wouldn't say this Chaim is so enthusiastic, instead rather much determined to reach his goal and voice for the people.

Music depresses me, like many. It is triggers your emotions and unless you are listening to so called trashy "rap" then your mood won't be very upbeat. Sports are great especially when playing in a team, the competition takes your mind of things.


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