are shouting, 'G-d is great' and 'EXPANSION'! There were many shouts of 'Obama'!
and 'Vote Obama. signs.

Islamists Day Parade Gets Ugly
Muslims desicrate American flag in NYC
"You see this flag? It's going on the ground, and we crush it beneath our feet! This is to show our allegiance is only to Allah!" First, the difference between the fighters for free world over in Europe who get attacked, harassed, berated and in some cases physically beaten and us (in America) is law enforcement. The police in the US do their job. Magnificently. What was striking today was, for the first time since I began covering these demonstrations (three years and counting), an agitator was allowed behind our barrier and permitted to harass the patriots (as seen in the video). Later on, when a Muslim was filming on our side of the barrier in our designated area, screaming allahu akbar, I asked the cop why he was permitted to agitate where we had secured the space with a permit, she replied, "he's allowed on the sidewalk".
Also, it's noteworthy the policemen in uniform dropped to their knees and prayed on Madison Avenue while on duty (see pics). They removed their hats and shoes to pray. Now look, on their own time they can do what they want. But that is unacceptable. I am sure that shiz would not fly if it were a Christian, Jew, Jehovah, wiccan, pagan ...... bottom line seperation of church and state.
It is disturbing to think that the thin blue line is being erased and we only need to look across the pond to see the dark future.
I have been covering these things for three years now and as I have recently said, there has been a palpable change. It is getting uglier, more aggressive - violent even .Today was no different. The parade was much smaller this year and there were a couple of American flags, most unusual. This is calculated. They do not want to hurt their candidate, Obama, in any way.
At first, I couldn't find the parade - went to Madison and there was nothing there but I heard a lot of parade noise on 5th Avenue so I walked down and there was this jubilant celebration. Shiny happy people in a sea of America flags - dancing and I'm like, this can't be it - and it wasn't. It was the Hispanic Day Parade. What a difference. A sea of colors and smiles - not the parade I was looking for.
I made my way back to Madison and found what I was looking for. I have a lot of coverage so you will have to click on the link on the bottom of this post. I do not want to slow down the load of this page any more than I have to. The video must be watch. There is a very nasty incident recorded when the Muslims came over to our side (behind our barrier despite our permit) and began to proselytize - it got ugly. Watch it
This from the Jewess being verbally assaulted:
The goon you'll see in the video attacking me was on the other end of a rather simple question from me. Why was I given the apes and pigs rap. He gave me a vague answer. That led to another simple question from me. Does Israel have a right to exist? He started in on a history lesson. Was I familiar with Balfour, Rothschild. His eyes were dripping blood.
Rothschild, he told me, was a Zionist not a Jew. I'm both, I told him. Zionist, Jewish and proud as hell. Then Atlas, a hero of mine, showed up with the camera and she takes it from there. She always has my back.
As I was being led away by the police the goon on the left told me he will rape me 50 times so I remain nameless. Proud, Jewish and nameless.