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Lying pig Sean Vanity

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I agree with everything you say. I only listen to Shai ben Takoa, Chaim ben Pesach, and Michael Savage (even though he doesn't fit the mold 100%). But anyone who doesn't realize he's a Jew is a little out of it. How many people on the radio across the country speak like New York Jews?


--- Quote from: Jabo on February 21, 2007, 09:26:57 PM ---I agree with everything you say. I only listen to Shai ben Takoa, Chaim ben Pesach, and Michael Savage (even though he doesn't fit the mold 100%). But anyone who doesn't realize he's a Jew is a little out of it. How many people on the radio across the country speak like New York Jews?

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Glad to see there's another Sha'i ben-Tekoa fan on here! I was starting to think I was the only one. Looks like we listen to the same shows. :-)

Regarding Savage: All it takes is a quick Google or Wikipedia search to see that his real last name is Weiner. It's not too hard to figure out he's a Jew.

Savage is the best talk show host on the Radio.  He really hates Muslims.  I think it's really funny when he gets mad and almost says to kill them all but has to restrain himself from getting kicked off the air lol.  He should really have Chaim on but I don't think Savage has the guts to have him. 

>Regarding Savage: All it takes is a quick Google or Wikipedia search to see that his real last name is Weiner. It's not too hard to figure out he's a Jew. 
Posted on: Today at 09:26:57 PMPosted by: Jabo 

He is been on the air for a long time. At some point or another people are going to figure out he is at least partially Jewish. I am not positive though that his mother is Jewish. I remeber a number of years ago he went on the Hannity & Colmes show and Colmes accused Savage of antisemitism to which Savage responded that both him and his son would have qualified for the gas chambers. Obviously you can't have a radio show with a last name of Weiner. Unless you want to call it the Weiner Nation. I figured out after listening for a few months and Savage has never tried to stop being knowing that he is at least somewhat Jewish. 

In terms of Israel, Savage takes a different stragety then JTF does. When the issue of the "Palestinians" come up  Savage says he doesn't believe they should be left hanging (the Palestinians) but he does say that all the arab countries should contribute to helping the Palestinians also and to just put the blame on the Jews for the Palestinians is crazy and antisemitic and there is plenty of blame to go around. It was Israel's fault they they didn't let the arabs leave which they wanted to do after the six day war. But nobody who listened to Savage's show would get the impression that he is just for the Jews giving up Judea and Sameria  as Chaim Ben Pesach wrongly claimed. Savage's show is NOT a religious show and to crticize him for it not being so I don't think is fair.  It doesn't make me very happy this petty criticism of Michael Savage's show. I really believe that if Jabotinsky was somehow reincarnated but instead of Jabotinsky being the one was the elder and influenced Rabbi Kahane as a child but instead he was younger they would call him a self hating Jew too because he was secular and at earlier points in Jabotinsky's life said some bad things too.

I also have to honestly say in some area's I agree more with the Savage Nation then with JTF.


--- Quote from: SoldierOfZion on February 21, 2007, 08:54:13 PM ---
No offense, but it serves you right for listening to that clown. He and Rush Limbaugh are shills for the Republican party. I'm a little confused how some of the people on this forum bash Michael Savage and others admit to listening to a clown like Hannity (I'm not sure if this is the case for you).

Savage blasted a Jew-hater yesterday for accusing Israel for all the world's problems. He even called the guy out for using the term "Palestine". I'll post it later tonight. He might not focus on Israel as much as people would like him to but he is by no means a self-hating Jew, as some people have accused him of being. I think the fact that most of his listeners don't even know he's a Jew is a benefit. That way, when he defends Jews and Israel, people don't assume it's some "Jewish agenda".

--- End quote ---

Well, on my long painful drive home, to stay awake, I have to listen to something.
At five, my choices are (New York metro area):
* Sean Hanity
* Henican and White (White is actually black)

Then at six:
* Michael Savage
* Marc Levin

Michael Savage also blasted Kramer for speaking the truth about blacks.
He also says that all religions start off as cults.
Last year he ripped the Jewish bible to pieces. He went and said how you can be stoned to death for every little thing. He also said that what was valid then, is no longer valid today.
I can't stand when he screams and pretends that he is very-very angry. No, don't get him started now. That's an actual line he uses over and over again.
And why won't he mention Chaim? Or the fact that he can't stop using Chaim's lines?

He also looks like a filthy drunk on his own website.


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